On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 17:32 -0800, Travis Pahl wrote:
> providing slightly less legitamacy to the candidate that wins. 

Nope. A choice to not vote is still a choice; you can not get out of it.
That's the nature of an electoral system. Choosing to not vote detracts
no legitimacy for several reasons. Among them that you still made a
choice to not vote for the opponents. Ultimately it allows the elected
one to say that "of those who actually cared enough to vote" s/he got
the most votes. And when it comes to government politics, that is all
who really matter.

> Granted it is small, but so is the effect of voting for the candidate.
>  At least by not voting, I am proud of my decision.

I voted for someone other than the "big two", and I am proud of my
decision. Yet we had practically the same effect.

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