Good evening Daniel!

Daniel Frackwell wrote to Dave Laird...

> Up to this point, she's been an advisor. Let's hope she can manage an
> entrenched bureaucracy.

A point not made here, but probably ought to be is that
Condom-looser Rice is one of the dwindling "no brains'
neo-conservative hawks that managed to support getting our
country further embroiled in the 'no win' conflagoration taking
place in Iraq at the moment. She's being promoted, while the real
brains in US foreign Policy, Colin Powell is nudged out for have
reservations about the folly of current policy.

The Gestapo isn't going away folks, but some of those that help
construct it are being replaced by an even harder corps of
hardball experts designed to strip what remaining little is left
of our civil liberties. Tom Ridge, for example, who helped the
birthing process of the Department of Homeland Security, is being
replaced by a New York street cop with past specialties in, of
all else, infiltration into groups of individuals the government
doesn't like very well.

Kindest regards,

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