Good morning, Frank...

Frank Reichert wrote:

> Good evening Dave!
> Dave Laird wrote to Lowell C. Savage...
> Lowell, 'Savaged' you, and everyone else in suggesting:
>> > You've certainly laid out an ambitious set of goals.  I'm not sure that
>> > anyone can do much more than move things in that direction.  But it
>> > certainly would be something to see, wouldn't it.
> To which, you replied:
>> I am probably as skeptical as the next guy when it comes to believing
>> such an improbable list of achievements would ever take place in (a) my
>> life, (b) the next century, or (c) the next millennium. Of course, if it
>> really DID happen, we could all become rich entepreneurial goombahs and
>> gleefully sell lawn chairs so everyone would have a place from which to
>> sit and watch the proceedings.
> Well, good luck! That is, is in perhaps believing Lowell shares
> your same goals, notwithstanding his apparent heartfelt belief
> that those running the show in the current Shrub Regime<tm>
> represent him, his interests, and his ambitious 'goals' whatever
> they may be.  These goals certainly aren't mine.

Oh, no, Frank. Why I was getting the lawn chairs ready was Condi Rice
might be going to single-handedly restore some sense of integrity to the
State Department by performing the incredible list of tricks I described
in my previous message. I never said anything about supporting The Shrub's
goals of TWD (Total World Domination), as I cannot support them. Where
Lowell and I agreed was that watching Dr. Condolessa Rice run the State
Department may be fascinating. Of course, it could be boring. We'll never
know until she assumes the reins of power. 

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