Good evening again Lowell!

Lowell C. Savage wrote to Dave Liard, in part, as follows:

> Dave Laird wrote, in part:
> > I never said anything about supporting The Shrub's
> > goals of TWD (Total World Domination), as I cannot support them.

To which, you replied:
> Yes Dave, you and I disagree here.  I believe that Bush's goal (which I
> share) is "TWD".  But in my case, I believe the "D" stands for
> "Democratization."

Now. Ain't THIS really special?

So, now you pose two issues: Democracy, and secondly, why the
Shrub Regime<tm>, representing America has a divine right to
impose our form of govenment, along with its' value system, upon
others who are of a very different orientation and culture from
our own!  This is profound!

First, speaking as an American. The Shrub Regime<tm> does not
represent my values, and the said 'regime' does not express my
own willingness to support what this fascist regime portends for
the whole planet, much of which I or America have no immediate
control over, nor should we!

Secondly, the American 'experient' in government was never
intended to be a Democracy!  Democracy, by definition, is mob
rule. Whoever robs Peter to pay Paul, is the essence of Democracy
or Mob Rule.

There is a 'third' issue here to, and this is a moral one.
Historically speaking, Americans never believed they had any
divine right to rule the world, or force the 'American Experient'
upon the entire planet.  In essence, we have turned the tables
totally around, and are now demanding such things as 'regime
change' to government, socieities, and people we know nothing
about.  This is nothing short of neo-colonialism in disguise!

You might not like this, but America today is repeating, and has
been repeating for the last five or so decades, the same mistakes
that the Germans made in the 1930s, attempting to impose upon
history, their own vision of a superior race, culture, society,
and political vision through the use of brute military force! 
Love it, or hate it, that is exactly what is and has been going
on over the past five decades with America in charge.  Some of
the leadership questions, that is, who may really be in charge in
this now, is suspect and certainly relevant for and open for

But this was never intended to be what the 'American experiment'
in government was all about.

If the rest of the world believes we are the scum of the earth,
and, their judgements have credibility, although their force
currently isn't even remotely equal to our own.  And, maybe
that's the point.  We're taliing here about using 'force' to
force others to comply against their own will to OUR wishes.  Is
use the word 'our' here very guardedly, since this has nothing at
all to do with 'my' wishes.

The consequence here is that our 'force', or the ability to
activate force, may be crumbling due to all of these
misjudgements.  American taxpayers will continue to pay the price
for all of these horrendous misjudgemets, long into the future. 
Our children will be stuck with the consequences of all of the
misjudgements and decisions that 'our government' makes on our

As I wrote earlier, this government is certainly not MY
representative. I oppose it entirely.  I will never speak in
benefit to the current acts and abuse of power that this
government now represents.  I don't want myself, or my children
or grandchilden to be stuck with the baggage that YOU Lowell, and
others, seem to believe is more important than maintaining what
this country began with, to be left alone to self-govern
ourselves in the least instrusive way as possible!

Warmest regards,

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