"Lowell C. Savage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> I'm afraid I'll have to take issue with you on a couple of points.

Please, by all means... Public debate is all I'm seeking...

>First, I suspect that you are making a lot more out of Cheney's remarks 
>that they
> deserve.  It was certainly a poor choice of words,

I'm currently smiling because our Honerable Vice President, Mr.Cheney, was 
being completely honest in his answer. The Bush Administration is interested 
in "controlled democratic elections" both at home and abroad.

<At the present time I'll forego any rebuttal on the issue of political 
reform and whatever communications mediums would best serve the American 
electorate. I'd be a very happy voter if 'the people' became interested in 
resolving the issue of "corrupt elections" in America...>

And yes, It's of my opinion that individuals or entities who participate in 
or, support the corruption of our most sacred right, our right to vote, may 
be committing an act of  treason whether punishable or not.

> As for the "problem" of third-parties getting any traction, that's 
> something
> that goes with the territory.

Partisanship? Should I assume that all candidates running in non-partisan 
elections have and receive equal treatment from "corporate owned media"? 
What about state or local issues that appear on the ballot?

Fact: A few years ago the State of Washington sold an entire "special 
election" to billionaire Paul Allen... It would appear as if  'the people' 
have no voice when the "corporate controlled media" only broadcast(s) sound 
bites from one side of any given issue.

Steven Thompson
Ford, WA 

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