"Lowell C. Savage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Fact: a majority of the people voted in favor of spending the money at 
> issue
> in that "special election."  It would appear as if 'the people' made their
> "voice" known.  (Note: I happen to disagree with the decision, but I don't
> try to claim that "the people" were somehow disenfranchised by the
> proceedings.)

Yes, Mr. Allen had his way at the expense of every citizen in the entire 
state. Your missing my point...

Questions: Why should a group of citizens (voters) be forced to organize and 
raise millions of dollars to purchase campaign ads to provide some 
alternative message for the purpose of educating the people prior to voting? 
Why should 'principled' candidates be forced side with special interest(s) 
in order to raise the necessary money to become a 'viable' candidate? Why 
would 'the people' relenquish the power and authority to the "corporate 
owned media" to decide who's a viable candidate for public office? Have you 
ever heard the term; The only bad press is no press? All to often, at every 
level, principled viable candidates receive little if any press. Candidates 
lose some of their principles when they are forced to side with political 
parties and or special interest(s).

The courts have ruled that 'money is speach' when addressing campaign 
finance laws. My position is to eliminate the need of raising big money to 
get your positions heard.

So, that's my two cents, tell me yours... How would you work to eliminate 
the total sell-out of our most precious right, our right to vote in a 
democratic, free election?

Feel the power? One issue at a time, 'the people' can and must unite to 
reform our beloved but corrupt America...

Steven Thompson
Ford, WA 

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