On 09-Dec-04, Travis Pahl wrote:

 TP> Unless the government finds money to spend, it is spending our moeny.
 TP> Increased govt spending = decreased freedom.  Yes freedom is our goal,
 TP> but that can not be achieved by more government specnding.

Why not?

 s>> I think what we've all lost sight of, in this pissing contest, is Rob's
 s>> claim that the GOP would be easier to subvert/convert than the
 s>> Democratic party.

 TP> I disagree.  Look at what they do when they are in power?  obviously
 TP> Roberts view is wrong.

In other words, you believe the Democratic Party would be easier to subvert/
convert than the GOP. I disagree.

 s>> If libertarians had spent the last 30 years attending GOP precinct
 s>> meetings and getting their people selected rather than trying to form a
 s>> third party, freedom would have been better served.

 TP> Maybe thirty years ago.  Not now.  Is it 2004 or 1974?

It's almost 2005, and hijacking a party is probably easier now than it would
have been 30 years ago. Public participation in political functions is
dwindling, and a small group with a plan and some brains can take over a
precinct with little trouble.

You don't take over a party from the top down, Travis. It's done from the
ground up. It takes some time, but Ron Paul's supporters in Texas show that
it can be done.

 TP> I am not asking for perfection.  I have made that quite clear.  I am
 TP> only asking that the candidate be headed in the same direction as me
 TP> for me to consider supporting them.

Then get off your ass and get some acceptable candidates in the contest. The
reality is, as Frank has found out, an R or D following their names on the
ballot will result in a lot more votes than an L.

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