On 11-Dec-04, Travis Pahl wrote:

 TP> because government spending by definition is a decrease in freedom.

Says who?

 s>>>> I think what we've all lost sight of, in this pissing contest, is
 s>>>> Rob's claim that the GOP would be easier to subvert/convert than the
 s>>>> Democratic party.

 TP>>> I disagree.  Look at what they do when they are in power?  obviously
 TP>>> Roberts view is wrong.

 s>> In other words, you believe the Democratic Party would be easier to
 s>> subvert/convert than the GOP. I disagree.

 TP> No.  In other words the republicans are not interested in smaller
 TP> government.

Which Republicans? The RNC, the state leaders, in your county, or the guy
down the street?

Subverting or converting a party doesn't work from the top down. It works by
convincing the guys at the local precinct level who probably agree with you
on a number of points... probably more than your Democrat neighbors.

 s>>>> If libertarians had spent the last 30 years attending GOP precinct
 s>>>> meetings and getting their people selected rather than trying to form
 s>>>> a third party, freedom would have been better served.

 s>> You don't take over a party from the top down, Travis. It's done from
 s>> the ground up. It takes some time, but Ron Paul's supporters in Texas
 s>> show that it can be done.

 TP> it could happen.  Does not mean that it could happen everywhere.

It WON'T happen if we don't try.

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