Good morning, Bill!

Bill Anderson wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 18:38 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Well, I've been in that sort of situation before.  When I worked at
>> National Medical Care, Inc., Medical Product Div. (now defunct), at least
>> one assumption of fact I knew of made the rounds, and when it got back to
>> the person who was the first to say so in the dept. (and it's not clear
>> who that was), it was taken as confirmation.
> Ugh. It happens a lot in IT departments as well. :(

I was once told that the IT departments *invented* this procedure as a
means to keep their users confused. Yet another source, also within an IT
Department, swore up and down that this behavior gave him job security,
because then his bosses never knew what he *really* was doing because the
stories had so many permutations. 

The Used Kharma Lot
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