
> For all the sturm and drang (or is that
> starm and drung?) about the PATRIOT Act, Gitmo, Jose Padilla, etc.

Ah, so you defend the use of torture at Gitmo, not giving people
the right to have a lawyer? Is this consistent with being

The declaration of independence says "We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal".

It does not restrict this depending on whether they are on
a military base in Cuba.

> this President has probably done more and probably will do more
> to increase freedom in this country than anyone since Reagan.

Freedom is not the same thing as security. Your next words
in support of the above are about the security of the US.

> I think Bush chose, reasonably wisely, to do a combination of the
> two with the emphasis on the former.  We aren't out of the
> woods, yet.

> But we're heading in the right direction and it appears
> that Iraq was the linchpin.

I am not sure Iraq was the linchpin although the connections
of Iraq with terrorism were there.

We still have North Korea, Syria and Iran on the map.

Syria could well remain relaxed about support coming from there
for terrorism-linked organisations.

> Others will backslide, but the trajectory is clear and inevitable.

It is far from being inevitable. Bush talking about freedom is
worrying. Does he appreciate that we have a UN security council
and not a UN freedom council?


Crusade - Ruling from the Tomb
Gideon: You're giving me too much credit.

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