On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 18:16 +0000, Tim Bedding wrote:
> Bill
> > If he had taken the "stand" you suggest, he'd have done worse.
> > The votes to the contrary would have been
> > even more significant and well pointed out by his opponents.
> The issue is human rights. I would have wanted Kerry to take
> on that issue and thus distinguish himself from Bush.

The point is, he could not do so anymore than Lucifer could campaign
about not rebelling against a higher authority or power.

> On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations
> adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

So what?

> It would seem that you and Lowell are not too anxious to have
> human rights respected. Torture seems a clear step too far.

You need to brush up on comprehension. Or quit trying to tar us with a
brush that doesn't fit.

Kerry's record on human rights is *pathetic* and arguably worse than
Bush's. Had he tried to take a stand on that he would have fried even
more so. What I am saying is that Kerry could not take a stand on it
because he would have done worse. You are talking political strategy
when you suggest he would have done better. Truth is, given his record
he would have done worse had he done what you suggest.

And from a raising the issue standpoint, you really don't want people
with bad human rights records trying to champion human rights. It is
detrimental to the cause when people who have a clear and unmistakable
record of not being in favor of the cause suddenly start championing it.

This knowledge of Kerry's anti-human rights behaviour and record
predates his run for office, btw. 

But as I said earlier, when half your base agrees with your opponent on
a big issue, it is folly to try to make it a centerpiece of your
campaign. This is true regardless of said position.

Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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