Good morning, everyone...

For the sake of those of you tuning into Liberty Northwest from outside
the Pacific Northwest, our lovely Lilliputian Headquarters, Spokane,
Washington, has been in national headlines three days standing since it
was revealed that our staunchly-conservative Republican Mayor, Jim West,
who, prior until this time, has been considered to be anti-gay in deed and
thought, has admitted a fondness for cruising gay web sites and setting up
dates with young gay men. This has had the same effect as tossing a lit
match into a fireworks factory, as all kinds of people, including
politicians, have been popping off at the mouth like never before. 

It seems, largely based upon the stories on the front page of the
Spokesman-Review, hardly a credible news source in its own right, that
during West's tenure as a State Legislator, before he became Mayor of
Spokane, he may have had a series of trysts with young gay men. That
probably wouldn't be of any real significance, EXCEPT, during this same
period of time, West consistently voted down every gay rights bill that
came his way. He portrayed himself to voters as Mr. Moral Majority
Republican, but the real disclaimer should have read, "Don't bend over". 

Is this a libertarian issue? The hell if I know! 

However, anytime ethical issues, such as honesty and credibility, are left
in the gutter in favor of anything else on the agenda, the business of
providing good government for our region falls by the wayside. At least,
if I understand the libertarian principles correctly, although West's
sexual persuasion is not an issue, if he knowingly lies or attempts to
deceive the public, it is a matter for serious consideration. If he
misuses his authority as an elected official for sex, he should have his
tallywacker held up to the fire of public opinion which, by now, should
probably be set on FRICASSEE.  

What is even worse, West's alleged actions have held Spokane up to public
derision. In the last three days, I've heard from people in the Midwest,
Deep South and even the snow belt in Alaska about the controversy over Jim
West using his City of Spokane office computer to engage in masturbatory
sex acts while in a Gay Chat room on the Internet. There are allegations
that West even took troubled teens from Morning Star Boys Ranch on
unexplained "camping trips" while a member of the ranch Board of
Directors. He also  purportedly offered a lucrative position to one of the
members of a gay chat room who later turns out was an undercover employee
of the Spokesman-Review newspaper. 

Granted, the Cowles Spokesman-Review newspaper, responsible for breaking
the news story about West's improprieties, is hardly what anyone in
Spokane would call a credible news source. After all, it's only been a few
years since the paper's Editorial Board admitted, in print, that they
misled and lied to the public over the Cowles' involvement in a downtown
mall and parking garage. In fact, the investigative journalist that broke
the story about West, Bill Morlin, is unquestionably one of Frank
Reichert's favorite journalists. Somehow I feel certain you are bound to
get a really good discussion going if Frank discovers Morlin is largely
responsible for breaking the news stories about West. 

Public opinion, like the winds that regularly quarter Spokane, is drifting
first one way, then the other. Some people are madder than a cat in heat
with its backside in kerosene. Others are too busy laughing to be bothered
with such a puny issue as a politician caught with his pants proverbially

But it is keeping everyone talking and sitting on the edge of the cheap
seats where most voters spend their times. 

The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
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