Good evening again, Dave!

What a pleasure to finally have spk.liberty_nw up and running again after several days of severance from the email side of the house.

Dave Laird wrote to everyone...

For the sake of those of you tuning into Liberty Northwest from outside
the Pacific Northwest, our lovely Lilliputian Headquarters, Spokane,
Washington, has been in national headlines three days standing since it
was revealed that our staunchly-conservative Republican Mayor, Jim West,
who, prior until this time, has been considered to be anti-gay in deed and
thought, has admitted a fondness for cruising gay web sites and setting up
dates with young gay men. This has had the same effect as tossing a lit
match into a fireworks factory, as all kinds of people, including
politicians, have been popping off at the mouth like never before.

It seems, largely based upon the stories on the front page of the
Spokesman-Review, hardly a credible news source in its own right, that
during West's tenure as a State Legislator, before he became Mayor of
Spokane, he may have had a series of trysts with young gay men. That
probably wouldn't be of any real significance, EXCEPT, during this same
period of time, West consistently voted down every gay rights bill that
came his way. He portrayed himself to voters as Mr. Moral Majority
Republican, but the real disclaimer should have read, "Don't bend over".

Is this a libertarian issue? The hell if I know!

It certainly IS a Libertarian issue, at least part of it is anyway. But the stories emanating from the Spokesman-Review and various local television news channels reflect other points that even most Libertarians would most likely agree, where below board, if not below the belt, no pun intended.

Here are some of the issues being raised:

1. Jim West has flatly denounced gay rights, even while secretly recruiting gay men to fill vacancies on the County Government's bureaucracy;

2. He has been a champion of the far right-wing Republicans in BOTH the Washington State Legislature, and now as Mayor of Spokane, Washington, in opposing any gay or lesbian legislation that might bridge the gap in terms of social contracts, not to mention the prospect of gay or lesbian 'marriages';

3. He has allegedly used county computers and internet access to cruise gay chat rooms and masturbate while on duty during normal business hours;

4. He has allegedly molested young boys while in the capacity of a Scout Master, and on week-long field trips with boys checked out of centers for the purpose of hiking for miles in wilderness areas on camp outings.

There are a lot more revelations, or accusations, in terms of such allegations which seem to arise daily as more individuals surface showing allegations at least of long term child molestation and abuse.

Most Libertarians certainly would not condone such illegal behaviour, and primarily the behavior of hypocracy, while openly pretending to oppose gay or lesbian rights, operating secretly in such behaviour that, if true, is perhaps blatantly criminal in many instances. If the later is true, then like all child-molesting pedophiles, Mr. West ought to be serving prison time along with the rest of the sleaze balls who are currently serving life sentences for such behaviour.

Had Jim West openly be known to be prone to a bi-sexual or homosexual activities with consenting adults, Libertarians would mostly suggest that he serve his term in office, if elected, and if that were the extent of the issue. But the issues surrounding Jim West go in the opposite direction. In other words, Mr. West has gone to great lengths to distance himself from any support or respect for the gay and lesbian community, and has gone much further in hypocracy by allegedly conducting himself as a pedophile and a molester of young boys.

Kindest regards,
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