Good evening again, Dave!

Dave Laird wrote, in part, to Frank Reichert...

I think if Mr. West is convicted of any felony crimes, as a course of all
this, out of the kindness of our wicked hearts, we should take up a
collection to buy him a year's supply of bars of soap, as a not-so-subtle
hint for his days behind bars.

I only caught a glimpse of today's news, as I just returned from an all-day visit to Priest Lake, Idaho, and when returning home had a meeting to attend at 7 p.m. I did catch a few quick segments on KREM 2 however.

It now appears that the City of Spokane has asked two outside investigative sources to enter the investigation of Jim West's trysts, since BOTH the city and county investigators might be predjudiced insofar as West served the County in the Sheriff's Department and as Mayor of Spokane this presents a problem also for the City Police who are being called upon to do an investigation, not to mention the City's own internal investigation of the mayor.

It now appears that the FBI has been asked to conduct its own investigation to ascertain whether or not West may have broken federal laws surrounding the use of mail and communication solicitation for minor boys. The Washington State Attorney General's Office has also been asked to look into areas of West's conduct which may have violated Washington State law.

So, one thing to Spokane's credit may be that the City has chosen to bring in outside sources that might otherwise prove to be a point of conflict for both the City of Spokane and Spokane County to conduct an objective and unbiased investigation into the allegations surrounding revelations of the good mayor.

However, the issues you have noted are unquestionably valid. He is a liar,
a pedophile and a graceless hypocrite. As such, he has no business
remaining in public office.

One might conclude such from the Spokesman-Review rag's sensationalistic front page coverage. On the other hand, as a long time victim myself of said newspaper's journalistic objectivist acumen, I believe there might be more to the story that may eventually come to light once outside media sources have an opportunity to hopefully investigate some of the allegations.

Too bad the 'Local Planet' bit the dust, huh?

Kindest regards,

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