Frank Gilliland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>>From Article 3.12:

>"Each Central American Party and the Dominican Republic shall
>recognize Bourbon Whiskey and Tennessee Whiskey, which is a straight
>Bourbon Whiskey authorized to be produced only in the State of
>Tennessee, as distinctive products of the United States. Accordingly,
>those Parties shall not permit the sale of any product as Bourbon
>Whiskey or Tennessee Whiskey, unless it has been manufactured in the
>United States in accordance with the laws and regulations of the
>United States governing the manufacture of Bourbon Whiskey and
>Tennessee Whiskey."

OK, a definition of "Bourbon Whiskey" and "Tennessee Whiskey".  What's
wrong with laws defining terms of commerce, such as weights & measures?  It
doesn't say other articles can't be sold, just that they can't be sold
under those names.

>I have read a lot of the text of this treaty. Basically it's a WTO
>treaty under GATT that eliminates tariffs and subsidies between member
>nations. However, the bulk of the document (aside from reduction
>schedules) consists of restrictions, exceptions and exclusions (as
>well as a couple ex-post-facto laws requiring refunds on certain
>textile trades dating from 2004).

But no provisions that make us LESS free than we would be in the absence of
CAFTA as a whole.

> The sheer quantity of the new laws
>will make it almost impossible for any business smaller than a large
>corporation to fully comply with the treaty, and will deter and/or bar
>most small businesses from international trade.

Not true.  The only persons concerned with compliance will be those seeking
to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REDUCTIONS in trade restrictions.  In other words, the
agreement consists of lots of provisions that say, you can export this
thing that you couldn't export previously to country X, provided....  In
other words, it provides loopholes in previous restrictions.  Loopholes are
frequently complicated, but they're still loopholes, not additional

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