I have not taken any official polls.  Niether have you.  Ron Paul
ruitenly dismisses botha greements as a bad idea and unconstitutional.
 Nearly every libertarian group I am on has most all libertarians
opposiing it.  The libertarians I have talked to in person generally
oppose it as well.

Most pundits have expressed support for it in as much as they support
free trade but I have not seen many that support the specifics of
either agreement.  I think they are more opposed to what the nafta and
cafta critics say rather than actual being in favor of the agreements

> Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:
> >Actually most libertarians are opposed to NAFTA and CAFTA.
> What poll have you taken to ascertain that?  Certainly most libertarian
> PUNDITS that one can link to easily online FAVOR both.  Check out Reason's,
> for instance.  AFAIK just about all people associated with all the major
> libertarian think tanks (Reason, CATO, Heartland, Independence, FEE, IHS),
> to the extent they express any opinion at all, favor the agreements.
> >Free trade
> >is not a 1000 page document.
> >_______________________________________________
> No, but those 1,000 pp. docs. do make for freeR trade than would be the
> case without them.
> In Your Sly Tribe,
> Robert
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