On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 15:32 +0100, Tim Bedding wrote:
> Bill
> > First, the declaration of SoE and disaster areas. After years of
> > governments doing this in advance, the effect has worn off. When
> > we see such statements made due to grasshopper infestations, it
> > kinda makes you
> > go "Oh yeah another declaration. So what's for dinner honey?"
> In which case, that would be a problem which does need to
> be addressed by the authorities.

And how do you propose they do that?

> > I'm sorry folks but as much as the Libertarian in me would like
> > to, I don't see any reasonable fault in those actions.
> Something clearly went wrong. 

Yes, we lost a battle we were destined to lose. We fought the laws of
physics with the laws of man. Man will always lose that fight. It is
just a matter of when.

Funny, those countries criticizing the response have never had to
respond to events like this. Those who have are praising the response.

> If people are too relaxed to
> take appropriate action, then government needs to respond.

How so? Specifically how to you convince people that your many years of
crying wolf need to now be ignored? If you can't do that, your words
here are just pixels on a screen.


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