Good evening again, Ed!

Ed Fischang (aka Shaddow) wrote to Bill Anderson and others...

On 05-Sep-05, Tim Bedding wrote:
 BA>> I'm sorry folks but as much as the Libertarian in me would like
 BA>> to, I don't see any reasonable fault in those actions.
 TB> Something clearly went wrong. If people are too relaxed to
 TB> take appropriate action, then government needs to respond.

You wrote:
Excuse me, I thought this was a Libertarian discussion group....

I suspect this is still a Libertarian group. I wonder sometimes as well, but I'll do what I can to try and focus a 'sort of' Libertarian response in answer to your question below.

I can't believe I'm seeing Libertarians whining about fedgov not exercising
authority in an, well, for want of a better word, authoritarian manner.

I've been wondering about some of this as well. Part of the rationale for some of this discussion obviously entails 'what else' the Federal government does these days on a daily basis, e.g.: Congress appropriated about the same amount of money for disaster relief as it has for about one week for the US government to occupy Iraq in an illegal invasion by any reasonable stretch of one's imagination!

I raised the question several days ago about this. Bill Anderson suggested that somehow this doesn't fit. To me, obviously, the Federal government seems to pay more attention to a badly misguided foreign policy that went aray, than it otherwise ought to consider for US citizens in a disaster scenario.

So, as a Libertarian, I haven't donated one damn cent to the US government other than what the tax authorities have confiscated from me.

But as a Libertarian I will be attending a meeting tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M. at (Trinity Lutheran Church, Bonners Ferry, Idaho) a meeting for the Disaster Relief Committee to decide such things at a private level. I, also as a Libertarian, will be a part of this discussion.

I am not suggesting therefore that anyone is or should be obligated to do such a thing. I am only suggesting, as a Libertarian, that I have chosen to do so, and I will tomorrow morning. This is obviously a personal choice that each individual ought to make for themselves without government force or cohesion.

I can't speak for others either obviously. But some of us who might identify ourselves as Libertarian, might find a giant discrepancy in what we qualify to do (at the so-called Federal level) in other parts of this world, and find a way to excuse the giant blunders and neglect to the detriment and lives of US citizens here in our own country.

We live in a very sick society here in America. We all need to find our special way of addressing issues outside of government approved channels, and outside of our national media choices that are obviously canned and packaged in such a way to promote a collectivist global agenda. I notice tonight, that even NATO, and the UN are now involved in, and invited to aid our own US recovery efforts!

What an astounding horror story this as turned out to be!

In my Libertarian parlance anyway, there never was, nor is, a 'Global Collectivist Village' out there.

Hope this somehow enjoins a invitation to engage in this conversation.

Kindest regards,

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