I did some digging into the progress of Katrina. Here is a link followed
by a summary.



24th: Katrina is named, warning issued for SE Florida.

25th: She strikes Florida as a Category 1

26th: She weakens on land, but kicks up to a Cat2 heading to Louisiana
      10,000 Guardsmen deployed across the Gulf Coast

27th: * She grows to a Cat3. 
      * Warning issued for Louisiana's SE coast
      * N.O. Mayor declares SoE, urges citizens in low 
        lying areas to evacuate
      * Mississippi Gov declares SoE, mandatory evac issued
        for Hancock County
      * The few lanes of interstate are jammed with 
        people leaving

28th: * Behold the power of Mum-Rah the Everliving! Err uhh
        Katrina grows to a Cat 5 and heads north
      * Mayor Nagin orders mandatory evacuation for N.O.
      * Shelters are hastily set up for those unable to make it out
      * Mississippi coast gets evac orders
      * Alabama declares SoE

29th: * She drops to a Cat4 and makes landfall at 6:10 am      
      * Bush makes emergency disaster declarations for
        LA and Mississippi
      * Airports close down

30th: * LA governor says everyone left in N.O. must leave 
        (50-100K people)
      * Choppers and boats are rescuing people
      *  Two levies are confirmed breached, covering 80% of the city

31st: * LA Governor asks fed for more people
      * N.O. police are diverted from S&R to looting control
      * First buses from Superdome to Astrodome begin
      * Water levels stabilize

1st:  * NG Deployment triples in response to looting and violence
      * Choppers evac 600+ patients, ~1500 remain
      * 600 massive sandbags arrive to help shore up levees

2nd   * The newly tapped NG starts arriving in N.O. on convoys 
        carrying food, water, and loaded guns.
3rd:  * 7,000+ active duty forces are ordered to the area
      * FEMA claims >25,000 residents evacuated since day before
      * Coast Guard claims it has rescued 9,500 since Katrina hit

And now a few comments on the above reported timeline.

First, the declaration of SoE and disaster areas. After years of
governments doing this in advance, the effect has worn off. When we see
such statements made due to grasshopper infestations, it kinda makes you
go "Oh yeah another declaration. So what's for dinner honey?"

Next, when the warning for N.O. was issued, she was a cat 3. A lot of
people in that area have weathered those before. Second, the evac
recommendation was for those in low lying areas. Now, personally I
consider the whole damned area low lying. However, the residents do not.
And I have confirmed that the French Quarter is indeed one of the
highest points of the city/area. So add this up:
* You've weathered these before 
* It's only a cat 3
* You don't live in a low lying area

Do you leave? Not suprisingly, a significant portion do not.

Now put yourself in the shoes of the government. You are prepped for a
cat 4 (and in some laces a cat4). You've taken cat 3s before, several
times. What disaster response to you prepare for? Most likely a cat 3.

The next day the storm swells to a full on "I don't need no Vaseline"
cat 5 hurricane. So what do you do? You order mandatory evacs for the
remaining ~15-20%, set up what you can in the little time you have, and
pray for the best. the storm lands in less than 24 hours.

I'm sorry folks but as much as the Libertarian in me would like to, I
don't see any reasonable fault in those actions. Not in the people who
stayed, nor in the people who handled the warnings and evac orders.

However, there is one significant action I do take issue with:
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco says everyone still in New Orleans — an
estimated 50,000 to 100,000 people — must be evacuated.

This is after the city is 80-85% flooded. IMO, that's a bit late there
Gov., and not terribly helpful. But still, given the layout of the area,
approximately 90% of people in New Orleans were evacuated prior Kat's
landfall. That is not somethign to be ashamed of given the short

A key thing to remember is the timing. She was a cat 3 until less than
24 hours from (her second) landfall. She went straight to Cat 5 and then
dropped as she hit land. What is not listed clearly in the timeline is
that she shifted course, too.

On a related note, Texas has approximately a quarter of a million former
LA residents and is making arrangements for cruise ships to come provide
housing at Galveston.

IMO, if any governmental units/agencies deserve singling out for
*positive* attention, it is the Coast Guard and the State of Texas. The
US has made requests for aid to the EU and NATO. Betcha they don't ask
the UN for help. I think making the requests of the EU and NATO are
evidence that the US is leaning more and more away from the UN.
naturally I hold that as a positive thing. ;)

Kuwait, BTW, has offered 500 Million dollars in assistance, easily
topping Qatar's 100M. Kuwait's offer is 80% oil products. 

Oh and check this out:
The United Nations said Sunday the U.S. had accepted its offer of U.N.
assistance and expertise.

"A small U.N. coordination team is in Washington now consulting with
government officials on how best the U.N. can complement the United
States' own emergency efforts," said a statement from the U.N.

Yeah that was about what I figured. :D

I'm watching a video from Plaquemines parish. They are showing an oil
refinery and saying it is "entirely under water". Yet clearly, it is
not. I can see grass and pavement in much of it. Some of it's lower
lying areas, yes have perhaps a few feet of water. Yet the exaggeration
was clear.

Geraldo Rivera is doing his part to hype things (since he missed the big
show) by "estimating" that 20% of the original population is still
"holed up" in their houses and buildings. We already know that more than
that either left before or have left since, or are in holding areas
awaiting additional evacuation. But he knows the moment the people lose
their morbid fascination, the media goes back to normal.

Curiously, Senator Frist is volunteering as a doctor (he was a surgeon)
down in New Orleans. Probably the most genuinely helpful congress

Looking at what has been happening the past 24hours, it's actually
getting quite impressive. I'm starting to see what I expected to see
(about this time).

Also people need to see the enormous response from civilians. The flood
of people hauling boats and chartering choppers to get down there and
help needs more press. 


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