On Wed, 7 Sep 2005 01:15:38 -0600, "Lowell C. Savage"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>Greetings again, "shadow" and Frank!
>I was going to respond on this point, as well.  Then I noticed somewhere
>that there's already another proposal for 40 billion that someone in
>Congress is putting forward.
>The way I figure it is this: Congress would rather dole disaster money out
>in small doses than one big chunk, anyway.  First, they don't quite know the
>full scope of the disaster right away, so no point in putting 60 Billion
>into a 25 Billion relief effort.  But the more important reason (from their
>point of view) is that the more doses of disaster aid they dole out, the
>more times they get to preen in front of the cameras and show how much they
>"care" (with other people's money).
>It's happened before and it will happen again.  (Heck.  Katrina ought to be
>good for at least three more shows of "caring" after the 40Billion passes:
>at least one more dose of aid, and then at least two doses of "rebuilding."
>Anyone want to bet AGAINST five more "doses"? :-)
>Lowell C. Savage
>It's the freedom, stupid!
>Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

Sheesh, you're more critical of politicians than I am. I didn't think
that was possible.

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