On 09-Sep-05, Frank Gilliland wrote:

 FG> In order to dispel the rumor (as propogated by a few ignorant
 FG> blow-hards) that Bush's hands are being tied by the governor of
 FG> Louisiana, here are a couple exerpts of US Code that anyone interested
 FG> in the TRUTH should consider:

 FG> ===========
 FG> Sec. 5191. Procedure for declaration

 FG> (a) Request and declaration
 FG>     All requests for a declaration by the President that an emergency
 FG> exists shall be made by the Governor of the affected State. Such a
 FG> request shall be based on a finding that the situation is of such
 FG> severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the
 FG> capabilities of the State and the affected local governments and that
 FG> Federal assistance is necessary. As a part of such request, and as a
 FG> prerequisite to emergency assistance under this chapter, the Governor
 FG> shall take appropriate action under State law and direct execution of
 FG> the State's emergency plan. The Governor shall furnish information
 FG> describing the State and local efforts and resources which have been
 FG> or will be used to alleviate the emergency,...

Drum roll, please--

 FG> ... and _will define the type and extent_ of Federal aid required. Based
 FG> upon such Governor's request, the President may declare that an
 FG> emergency exists.

Nuff said.

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