On 10-Sep-05, Frank Gilliland wrote:

 s>> Regardless of White House press releases, does or does not the statute
 s>> say the governor will define the type and extent of Federal aid
 s>> required?

 FG> Yes it does, and she did.

 s>>  If your desire is to refute the claim that Blanco tied Bush's hands,
 s>> why cite the law that gives her that authority?

 FG> How can that give her the authority to refuse federal assistance?...

Uh gee, the part where it says the governor "will define the type and
extent of Federal aid required."

 FG> ... Because the amount in her request was underestimated? I provided the
 FG> link to the relevant chapter of the US Code -- you really should have
 FG> read it:

 FG> Sec. 5193. Amount of assistance

Did you bother to read this? It deals with costs ... money.

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