On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 08:59:49 PDT, shadow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>On 09-Sep-05, Frank Gilliland wrote:
> FG> <snip>
> s>> Drum roll, please--
> FG>>> ... and _will define the type and extent_ of Federal aid required. Based
> FG>>> upon such Governor's request, the President may declare that an
> FG>>> emergency exists.
> s>> Nuff said.
> FG> http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2005/08/20050827-1.html
> FG> "Nuff said."
>Regardless of White House press releases, does or does not the statute say
>the governor will define the type and extent of Federal aid required?

Yes it does, and she did.

> If your
>desire is to refute the claim that Blanco tied Bush's hands, why cite the law
>that gives her that authority?

How can that give her the authority to refuse federal assistance?
Because the amount in her request was underestimated? I provided the
link to the relevant chapter of the US Code -- you really should have
read it:

Sec. 5193. Amount of assistance

(a) Federal share
    The Federal share for assistance provided under this subchapter 
shall be equal to not less than 75 percent of the eligible costs.

(b) Limit on amount of assistance

..(1) In general
   Except as provided in paragraph (2), total assistance provided
under this subchapter for a single emergency shall not exceed

..(2) Additional assistance
   The limitation described in paragraph (1) may be exceeded when the
President determines that--
....(A) continued emergency assistance is immediately required;
....(B) there is a continuing and immediate risk to lives, property,
public health or safety; and
....(C) necessary assistance will not otherwise be provided on a
timely basis.

..(3) Report
   Whenever the limitation described in paragraph (1) is exceeded, the
President shall report to the Congress on the nature and extent of
emergency assistance requirements and shall propose additional
legislation if necessary.

And that's exactly what happened. Twice.

And it happened -without- any additional (and redundant) emergency
declarations by the governor (added for Lowell's sake).

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