On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 00:57:26 -0600, "Lowell C. Savage"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>In the current situation, there is no hard evidence that Kathleen Blanco has
>prevented the federal government from doing anything.

No kidding.

>  But there are some
>good indications.

No, there are just speculations.

>  There is also some pretty strong testimony from the Red
>Cross and the Salvation Army that the Blanco administration has blocked
>delivery of aid to the Superdome and Convention Center.

Gee, now why didn't I see it that way before? You're absolutely right;
that single incident vindicates Bush from any responsibility for the
pathetically slow response of FEMA and the US military, and imposes
blame for the entire disaster in -all three states- on the Democratic
leadership of Louisiana. I really should have read between the lines
of that Red Cross FAQ..... NOT!

This disaster was a situation which required some difficult decisions
to be made, and it's clear that both Nagin -and- Blanco made many of
them. I'm sure that some of those decisions were wrong, but I highly
doubt that they intentionally let their own constituents -- most of
which were their political base -- suffer and die for political gains.

It's also clear (to the vast majority of the public) that the federal
government failed to handled this disaster with any competence. This
should be obvious when S&R workers from Vancouver, Canada get there
days ahead of FEMA. And all the incompetence at the federal level can
be traced back directly to one person: Bush. This is so obvious that
the usually self-censored mainstream media isn't pulling any punches,
and it's creating a split in the Republican ranks.

It makes me sick to see people trying to use this horrendous disaster
as a political tool. Such people rank right up there with the looters
and scammers that are trying to turn a profit off of the suffering of
other people. I can't prevent people like you from spinning the facts
and fabricating lies, but I can certainly discredit you, which I did.

BTW, after reading Bill's sophmoric legalese and fundamentally warped
interpretation of law, it might be fun to take both of you out of the
killfile in a few months, after many of the facts have been fully
disclosed, to rub your faces in your own propoganda. In the meantime,


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