Frank Gilliland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <snip>
> >In the current situation, there is no hard evidence that Kathleen Blanco
> has
> >prevented the federal government from doing anything.
> No kidding.

Of course, there's also no "hard evidence" that Bush slow-rolled anything.

> >  But there are some
> >good indications.
> No, there are just speculations.

No.  Good indications.  Like Nagin's hearsay testimony that she was refusing
to authorize aid from Bush.  (Since it is hearsay, it isn't evidence, but it
is an indication and it certainly is NOT "speculation."

> >  There is also some pretty strong testimony from the Red
> >Cross and the Salvation Army that the Blanco administration has blocked
> >delivery of aid to the Superdome and Convention Center.
> Gee, now why didn't I see it that way before? You're absolutely right;
> that single incident vindicates Bush from any responsibility for the
> pathetically slow response of FEMA and the US military, and imposes
> blame for the entire disaster in -all three states- on the Democratic
> leadership of Louisiana. I really should have read between the lines
> of that Red Cross FAQ..... NOT!

No.  I don't consider it "vindication" of Bush (although it is pretty
close).  But it would be of consistent with a refusal of federal assistance.
The issue at hand is the cause of the slow response by the feds to a
disaster.  If the governor is refusing aid from charitable organizations
(for whatever stated reason), and there are other indications that the
governor has refused aid from the federal government (at least for a time),
then the balance of the evidence points to the governor.

> This disaster was a situation which required some difficult decisions
> to be made, and it's clear that both Nagin -and- Blanco made many of
> them. I'm sure that some of those decisions were wrong, but I highly
> doubt that they intentionally let their own constituents -- most of
> which were their political base -- suffer and die for political gains.

But you'd suspect the same of Bush?

> It's also clear (to the vast majority of the public) that the federal
> government failed to handled this disaster with any competence. This
> should be obvious when S&R workers from Vancouver, Canada get there
> days ahead of FEMA. And all the incompetence at the federal level can
> be traced back directly to one person: Bush. This is so obvious that
> the usually self-censored mainstream media isn't pulling any punches,
> and it's creating a split in the Republican ranks.

It's only "obvious" because the "usually self-censored" mainstream media has
gone out of its way to NOT report the federalism aspect of this, to NOT
report the BLOCKING of aid, to NOT report that Bush was asking the governor
and mayor to order evacuations before they actually did so, to NOT report
ANYTHING that might appear as a mitigating or extenuating circumstance in
their "case" against Bush.

> It makes me sick to see people trying to use this horrendous disaster
> as a political tool. Such people rank right up there with the looters
> and scammers that are trying to turn a profit off of the suffering of
> other people. I can't prevent people like you from spinning the facts
> and fabricating lies, but I can certainly discredit you, which I did.

Actually.  All I was doing was pointing out some facts missing from the
stories being flogged by people who were trying to "use this horrendous
disaster as a political tool."  You didn't seem to be too "sick" to see
Bush's opponents doing it--in fact, you were joining right in.

So.  Which facts did I "spin" and which "lies" did I "fabricate"?  Actually,
what's been interesting is that some of the evidence comes from sources you
pointed out (like Blanco's own press releases.)  The discredit rests on you.
I didn't bother to reply to your posts about federal laws that govern this
stuff because "shadow" and Bill did such a masterful job of discrediting
YOU, that there was nothing to add.

> BTW, after reading Bill's sophmoric legalese and fundamentally warped
> interpretation of law, it might be fun to take both of you out of the
> killfile in a few months, after many of the facts have been fully
> disclosed, to rub your faces in your own propoganda.

We'll see.

> In the meantime,
> =<plonk>=


Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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