Bill Anderson wrote, in part:
> > No.  Good indications.  Like Nagin's hearsay testimony that she was
> refusing
> > to authorize aid from Bush.  (Since it is hearsay, it isn't evidence,
> but it
> > is an indication and it certainly is NOT "speculation."
> The relationship between these two (Nagin and Blanco) is tenuous at best
> since he publicly backed her (Republican) opponent last time. So if the
> evidence from him were tallied I'd suppose it to be less credible. Then
> again, she openly countered him on his mandatory evacuation. That isn't
> hearsay. If she will openly oppose the efforts of the Mayor to get his
> citizens out of the flooded nasty ass waters, what else will she do in
> this regard?

I didn't know Nagin had backed Jindal.  That does put things in a bit more
perspective.  Of course, it's beginning to appear that Blanco can't get
along well with anyone.  Interesting that she manages to become governor.

> Betcha we ain't really in a killfile. Betcha he's just reading, getting
> pissed, and moving along. This will just be his excuse to reply to only
> the things he can't stand to let go by and not back up his assertions.
> After all, he puts the useless NOSPAM text in his email address thinking
> it will save him from getting spam. ;) As if spammer bots don't
> automatically strip that sequence of letters from email addresses.


> > > In the meantime,
> > >
> > > =<plonk>=
> >
> > Whatever.
> Heh, now all he needs to do is plonk Dave and he's ignoring about 90% of
> the posts on this feed. Kinda eliminates any useful reason to be here.
> Unless of course he only signed up because he thought he could blindly
> attack people and feel welcome.
> So Dave, how long before he plonks you? ;) We'll be honored when you
> join us. :D

Absolutely honored!  But don't forget Robert!  Or "shadow".  Heck even
Frank.  Robert hasn't posted much on this topic lately and "shadow" usually
doesn't post much (but what little he posts--wow, straight to the point) but
we wouldn't want them to think we're not honored by their company--even when
we happen to disagree.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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