
> The description from Tim doesn’t seem to indicate that there were
> any laws broken or privacy (or other) rights of the “Vorlons” that
> were violated.

The first ones were called in and they destroyed the Vorlon
planetkiller ship, thereby killing all the Vorlons on board.

The key point is that Sheridan was not bound by any doctrine
of non-intervention.

Also, the fact that Coriana 6 was in danger (with a population
of billions) was determined by tracking the Vorlon fleet.
This could be an analogy to intelligence gathering.


> That is what you claim.  Yet the real world shows us that the
> more rights governments respect the safer its people are.
> Do you have any evidence to suggest otherwise?

The British government claims that the use of intelligence is
important in helping fight drug trafficking. Leaving aside
the fact that the US LP opposes the drug war, I would consider
this evidence that intelligence can be used to combat terrorism.
It certainly makes it plausible and worthy of analysis.

The LP could challenge this view of the British Government but
this might be seen as moving away from the mainstream without
evidence to suggest that the contrary position should prevail.

> If the vast majority of people realize that their letting the
> government in on their personal lives makes them safer then
> there is no need to grant the government the right to invade
> your privacy.

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that people will
voluntarily work with the police. However, terrorists are exactly
the kind of people who will refuse to go along with the police
and for very good reasons in their eyes.

If not, maybe you could comment further.


Babylon 5 - Meditations on the Abyss:
Lennier: Several thousand years ago we had no starships.
  Should we stay home and pretend they do not exist?

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