On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:41:05 +0100, "Tim Bedding"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>Here is a quote
>  The recent London bombings illustrate that no amount of
>  surveillance or restrictions on citizens can stop
>  determined terrorists.
>The underlying idea here would appear to be at odds with the
>9/11 Commission conclusions. Some information can be found
>on the following link.
>The commission said that the attack could have been prevented
>and yet the LP seems to want to go against that.
>Does anyone here see a danger in distancing the LP from the
>9/11 commission?

Not really. The 9/11 attacks could have been prevented, but terrorists
will always find ways to circumvent preventative measures. The best
you can do is to thwart as many attacks as possible and minimize the
damage from the rest.

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