On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 13:35:36 +0100, "Tim Bedding"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>> Not really. The 9/11 attacks could have been prevented,
>> but terrorists
>> will always find ways to circumvent preventative measures.
>This is confusing. The first bit seems to say the attacks
>could have been prevented. The second bit seems to say
>the attacks could not have been prevented.

Don't confuse one specific act of terrorism with terrorism in general.
The commission noted that there was enough information to prevent the
attacks on 9/11, but that information was handled poorly (not unlike
the response for Katrina, as the preparations for Rita now prove). 

>> The best you can do is to thwart as many attacks as possible
>> and minimize the damage from the rest.
>Thwarting can involve using the intelligence services.
>Do you think it should?

Only to the extent that such intelligence gathering doesn't violate
the public's civil rights. The intellegence services can gather quite
a bit of information without violating the Constitution. It may not be
as much information as what could be obtained unconstitutionally, and
the result may cost a few lives, but that's just one of the prices of
freedom. After all, if we abandon the principles of the Constitution
then there's no need to defend it against foreign enemies -- we will
destroy it ourselves and the terrorists win.

Of course the government could simply address the fundamental reasons
that fuel terrorism against the US, but that's not likely to happen
anytime soon.

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