On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 16:30:46 +0100, "Tim Bedding"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>> unfortunately, both the US Constitution and the laws
>> of England provide that the right of Habeas Corpus can be
>> suspended for the sake of public safety. Those laws should
>> probably be amended.
>In the UK, house arrest can occur for people suspected
>of involvement in terrorism. Such suspicion can arise
>due to secret evidence, not available to the suspect in
>question and provided by the security services.
>On the face of it, does that seem like something you
>would oppose?

I understand the logic of such actions. But the big problem is the
potential for abuse. If the government cannot be held accountable for
their actions (i.e, if the 'secret evidence' is withheld upon legal
challenge of the imprisonment, as allowed under the unPatriot Act)
then most certainly I oppose it.

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