"Tim Bedding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>> Not really. The 9/11 attacks could have been prevented,
>> but terrorists
>> will always find ways to circumvent preventative measures.

>This is confusing. The first bit seems to say the attacks
>could have been prevented. The second bit seems to say
>the attacks could not have been prevented.

I think what was meant was that those particular attacks could have been
prevented, but that attacks in general cannot be.  In other words, if you
happen to know enough about a particular threat, you can parry it, but
there are always other threats you know little or nothing about.

>> The best you can do is to thwart as many attacks as possible
>> and minimize the damage from the rest.

>Thwarting can involve using the intelligence services.

>Do you think it should?

Of course.

In Your Sly Tribe,

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