On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 09:15:48AM +0200, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
> David Tardon píše v Čt 09. 08. 2012 v 07:17 +0200:
> > <irony>
> > It has worked hasslefree and out of the box while we have been using
> > email.
> > </irony>
> It was a precondition for the gerrit work that the email submission +
> direct push must still be possible, and I for one will make sure this is
> still so ;-)

Agreed. gerrit is a platform and it should integrate all kind of workflows
whether they are email-based, web-based, CLI-based, IRC-based or whatever. That
doesnt mean the 'gerrit guys' will implement every of your pet features there,
but we have to make the basic workflow available there.


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