On 08/09/2012 11:13 AM, Michael Meeks wrote:
* bugzilla / gerrit integration (Bjoern)
        + concern about getting spammed a lot from calc guys.x
        + postpone discussion for next week.

Just to voice my opinion, I too would be reluctant to see this integration. We core devs already receive tons of mails from bugzilla many of which are pretty much noise. And I'm personally not very fond of this type of automatic messages cluttering bugzilla comments.

I'm also equally concerned about fragmenting our discussion platforms. Even without gerrit, splitting the discussion between the mailing list and bugzilla was (to me) hard enough. Adding gerrit to the mix will make matters worse. I would rather we encourage everyone to keep the discussions on the mailing list, instead of splitting it in now three different platforms, and adding lots of noisy automatic linking between them.

Just my opinion.


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc
LibreOffice mailing list

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