Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 06:41:06 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Infra red for 2 Libs?

>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 22:24:51 -0500
>From: Pres Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Does anyone have two Libs running Windows (I have W98 on two) linked 
>with an IR connection?  It'd be a convenient way to exchange files.  I'd be 
>interested in hearing about software and setup for doing this on my L50 and 
>L70.< <
>Yes, I have IR on Libs and Satellite Pro.
>I use Windows' Direct Cable Connection on COMx where x is the virtual
>comport that MSIR creates.

Okay... I found the IR icon in My Computer, and am able to transfer files 
between my Libs easily.  It may be slow for large transfers as Raymond 
pointed out.  But it's extremely convenient for transferring a few small 
files between notebooks.  No need to have each Lib networked all the time 
with cables and PC cards, and certainly easier than plugging in those slow 
FDDs and fooling with FDs.  Basically point and shoot!   Nice.

Not that I'm interested in doing it, but I wonder why a serial COM or 
parallel LPT port wasn't found in DCC when I had it search for new ports.

Pres... you say you got an entry there that specified it as an IR port?  I 
notice that in addition to adding the icon in My Computer, enabling IR also 
added a couple protocols in the networking settings.  Funny I can't get it 
to appear in DCC.  DCC might be a bit more convenient for more involved file 
transfers, as it works more like Windows Explorer.


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