Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 04:15:58 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Infra red for 2 Libs?

>From: Pres Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Pres... you say you got an entry there that specified it as an IR >port? 
>  I
>No, the infrared monitor adds virtual  comports ( for example "providing 
>application support on COM4" ) so you use DCC to serial port on com4
>matters not that the actual hardware is on COM2, you need the virtual >port 
>provided my infrared monitor

I guess I should ask more specifially, do you have an entry in your lists of 
ports in DCC that specifically istates that it is a virtual IR port?  Or do 
you just have entries for things like, "Parallel cable on LPT1", or "Serial 
cable on COM2" without any reference to being a virtual IR port.

Though I have IR enabled and running successfully for tranferring files with 
the icon in My Computer...  I've tried all of the ports that DCC has found 
on each Lib.  None indicate that they're virtual IR ports.  I've set up 
every port in DCC on each Lib, and none recognize IR when I attempt a 
connection between the two Libs.


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