Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 01:51:58 +0700
Subject: Re: [LIB] "Hardware" hibernation in L110

> I powered L110 off during the OS selection menu and it hibernated OK.
> Looks like I am safe, but to be sure I think, I will have to fill up both
> partitions, hibernate, and run scandisk.

No! - Scandisk will only report problems if file system data is overwritten.

What I suggest is:-

Create first partition from DOS boot disk, and select size one "step" below
the maximum available (so approx 8GB, less 7 MB).

Install Win'2K.

Create 7MB "buffer" partition (7MB FAT is smallest partition possible).
Create 78MB partition (71MB proved too small on my L110/64MB RAM)
Create another 7MB "buffer" partition

Completely fill the 7MB and 78MB partitions with .JPG files.

Power down; boot from floppy; hibernate.

Re-boot to Win'2K.

View the .JPG files (thumbnails in Windows Explorer).
The .JPGs in the 78MB partition should be trashed.
The .JPGs in the 7MB partitions should be OK.

> I still have doubts about the crash of the old L100.
> I had the largest possible first partition with Win98 and second
> partition with XP. After hibernation XP was dead.

How big was the space you left between the partitions?

> But shouldn't the hibernation data be written in the end of the first
> partition, not in the beginning of the second one?

I think the hibernation data is written from the end of the disk backwards,
towards the beginning - so it's the same starting point for the write no
matter how much memeory you have installed, and a different amount of space
is reserved depending on how much memory you have installed.

So yes, if it overwrites something, most likely is the beginning of the
following partition.

> Or may be my first partition was a little smaller and second one
> started a little earlier?

Check for evidence in the 7GB buffer partitions.

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