Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 18:38:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Toshiba Laptop Selection

> I can afford.  I'm looking for a PII machine, in the 300-400mHz range, 
> preferably not a heavyweight but fairly light/thin, maybe a 10.4" or 12" LCD.

  Only Librettos with these specs would be the Libretto L1 through L5 series
that were sold in Japan.  (see for Yahoo Auctions Japan
purchases for these items as well as for the occassional L series
that appears there)



Otherwise, what does she want?  Light/small/expensive or heavy and cheap?

For heavy & cheap, any of the Toshiba Satellite A series on sale at $899 after
rebates or usually for ~$1000:


 Unfortunately, all of the lightwieght, new laptops are expensive, so here,
you'll spend $1500-2200 easily.

 eg. Fujitsu P5000 $1500+

 eg. Sony TR series $2200+;sid=U3XSGOH0RpnSQKEHaMXYE6769QtXBCFi7LQ=?CategoryName=cpu_VAIONotebookComputers_TRSeries&Dept=cpu_VAIONotebookComputers


 Basically, for school, you'll want 1) CD-RW to burn backups of reports, etc.
2) at least an Ethernet connection, but hopefully, either built-in WiFi and/or
PCMCIA card for cheap WiFI card, 3) decent battery life of 3+ hours 4) a decent
keyboard that she like typing on else cramps will happen and papers won't get

 Other than that, really, anything will do fine.  

 (Just avoid HP/Compaq's -- the worst in reliability ratings vs. else in the
2003 PC Magazine and PC World User Reliability Surveys - see their websites for

 Would not get a used notebook (unless it's a Toshiba Libretto, right? ,)
simply because everything takes up so much processing power nowadays, you
really will lose productivity on older, slower notebooks.

 (Yes, my L110 with Win98SE runs fine for the basics like email & WP, but
realistically, it's too slow to do anything else worth doing -- presentations,
video editing & encoding, graphic editing, etc. -- all of which I do on my
desktop.  Still, it's just the size for portable email and so forth...)

  Would not go below the screen size of these notebooks as smaller can be a
problem when you're doing long hours worth of work.  Just a bit too small for
editing stuff hours on end sometimes on a tiny Libretto.


  d =)

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