Didn't Eric make some ant scripts ages ago... I certainly remember someone
making them prior to this discussion.


On 14/04/2009 12:38, "marius d." <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Even if I find maven quite helpful for Lift there are people that just
> want to stay away from maven. I can understand that. Perhaps it would
> be helpful to also have some ant script to build a lift project? ...
> or perhaps have a downloadable zip archive from lift's site that
> contains incipient projects like the results produced by Lift's
> archetypes? ... so that people can just download that project zip file
> with the ant build in it and then start building the app on top of
> that? ... would that work ?
> Br's,
> Marius
> On Apr 14, 2:23 pm, João Pereira <joaomiguel.pere...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I find that maven will ease your work a lot. Usually it take only one
>> step to get a lift app running.
>> mvn jetty:run
>> if you want to create an eclipse project for the downloaded app, you
>> just do mvn eclipse:eclipse and then import it to eclipse.
>> Not using maven you'll have to deal with all the dependency management
>> by yourself :(
>> Can you specify what do you expected from maven? what were the
>> problems encountered?
>> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:11 PM, tk050305cnx <tk050305...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am new to Liftweb. Unfortunately, the example app in the "getting
>>> started" doc did not work. That is... Maven did not produce the
>>> expected output. I don't want to bother with Maven at this time. Can
>>> you point me to a source that describes how to set up a helloworld
>>> type of application manually and deploy it on Tomcat? Is there any
>>> Eclipse automation for that?
>>> Cheers, CNX
>> --
>> João Miguel Pereira,
>> PMPhttp://jpereira.euhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/joaomiguelpereira
>> joaomiguel.pere...@gmail.com
>> (351) 96 275 68 58
> > 

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