So, if the call went out to all town groups about whether they’d like/need 
space, why wouldn’t they say, “yes” ?
The question of need and want did not seem so clearly defined.

My son was in LEAP during his school years in Lincoln (and before that in 
Brookline) — colocating such a program w/the school always seemed to make sense 
to me.
Now that there’s a nice, new, big school building in Lincoln, why wouldn’t LEAP 
fit there perfectly?
I understand the proposed CC would be essentially an “across campus walk” … but 
does it need to be?

If we take on even more debt now, will that mean the assessors will need to get 
busy so we can recover all the taxes that are not now being levied (because of 
under-assessed homes) and how will people feel about that?

Lincoln is a miniscule-sized town. It’s a beautiful, wonderful, rural breath of 
fresh air surrounded by lots of urban centers.
The town’s current debt is outrageous for a town this size. To add to it 
further seems unwise and unwarranted. 

To those who say — “But building a CC won’t get cheaper in the coming years.”
I say, “yes, that’s true, but at what point in time will our town's 
indebtedness be too high a price to pay?

Kathy Madison

> On Sep 27, 2023, at 12:36 PM, Kathy Madison <> wrote:
> As I understand it, there was a town-wide query to sent to all the groups in 
> town asking whether they would use a community center.
> Apparently LEAP was one of the groups that said they’d like space.
>> On Sep 26, 2023, at 8:41 PM, Peter Buchthal <> wrote:
>> People of course are allowed to have their own opinions, but I don't believe 
>> this building project is about accepting our responsibility for taking care 
>> of our elders.  As I have mentioned before, my father lived to 97 and was a 
>> big user of his local Council on Aging.  You apparently believe that if one 
>> does not support the CCBC's decisions, you don't support our Council on 
>> Aging and its mission.  This is far from the truth.  
>> Many on Lincoln Talk  and others in town simply question the Council on 
>> Aging Hartwell generous building space requirements.   Residents simply do 
>> not want to build a building that is bigger than our needs like we did with 
>> the school. There is also a healthy debate on whether it makes sense to 
>> build a COA/Community Center on the Hartwell Campus without sufficient 
>> parking and limited hours to protect the pre-school Magic Gardens and school 
>> age (5+)  dropoff/Pickup from automobile running child parking lot mishaps.  
>> I am also not aware of any community center anywhere that  intentionally 
>> colocates a senior center and  daycare using a small shared parking lot.   
>> Many on Lincoln Talk and the town would hate to see the town build a huge 
>> building that is underutilized and repeats the lack of parking at Bemis 
>> Hall.   
>> As a small community with limited resources and the highest per capita debt 
>> in the commonwealth, we need to look at large projects with many eyes and 
>> many voices.  It is a shame that up to now, the CCBC really hasn't listened 
>> to the public's concerns.  
>> In an effort to lower the cost and save between 3 and 4 million, I have 
>> previously asked why Leap can't be relocated into the school where it 
>> belongs.  Almost all other school districts have extended day offerings 
>> within the school as the hours of a school and after school program dovetail 
>> perfectly.  Maybe we should ask our new Superintendent if he could house 
>> Leap within the school? 
>> Does anyone know where Leap is going to run while the Hartwell Project is 
>> under construction?   
>> Peter Buchthal
>> 71 Weston Rd
>> On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 6:03 PM john gregg via Lincoln 
>> < <>> wrote:
>>> I am so surprised that a community that encourages acceptance and tolerance 
>>> would further not doing the right thing like providing a place for kids, 
>>> adults and elders should be able to congregate. 
>>> It is about space, about money, about having to be held accountable for 
>>> past neglect like providing a school for children. A place where the kids 
>>> would be provided safe care at LEAP for parents who work. A place where 
>>> adults could allow care for the ones who actually took care of them if they 
>>> move back home. 
>>> This is the same discussion when deciding about a new school, a bunch of 
>>> intellectuals debating why things should not be provided to others like was 
>>> provided to them. 
>>> Best Regards,
>>> John Gregg
>>> -- 
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