As afar as I can tell, one can't grow an image.

& you don't need to duplicate the member (time & memory expensive) -
just peel off a copy of the image

newImage = member("square").image.duplicate()

(this image will have a rect (0,0,15,15 & it can't grow)

Are you trying to take the image of the text & shrink it into 15x15?

if so, then change your copyPixels to use the above rect as it's second param.

If you are trying to palce these two images into a single image, then 
you should define a new image big enough to hold both & use two 
copyPixels to position them within it & then make a new bitmap member 
& save this new image back into this new member.

this is probably the important command that you hadn't found

newImage = image(width, height, depth)



At 5:10 PM -0400 5/20/02, you wrote:
>Hi all -
>just a quick question to see if i'm missing something lame before i 
>throw in the towel and really learn imaging lingo (as opposed to 
>just knowing the basic commands around copypixels() ). Here's my 
>trouble - if i want to create an image based on let's say a square 
>15x15 and a line of text 100 pixels wide 10 pixels high, my 
>resulting image is always cropped to the smaller image.
>my ex code:
>--member("square") = the 15x15 square,
>--member("text")  = the text
>aNewMember  = member("square").duplicate()
>newRef = member(aNewMember)
>--(image).copyPixels(sourceImage, destRect_or_quad, sourceRect)
>gives me a 15x15 image in newRef w/ the text chopped at 15 px. I 
>tried forcing the rect of newRef open wider prior to copyPixels() by 
>setting it's rect explicitly (which d. doesn't allow me to do, 
>apparently), turning off trimwhiteSpace, stuff like that...w/ no 
>any ideas? if this is a massively replicated question, no worries, 
>lob a holy grenade and i'll find it...
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