Do you still need help with this? If so, let me know - I can tell ya.
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Kavitha Raya
> Sent: 21 August 2001 23:01
> Subject: <lingo-l> how to reverse and fastforward flash movie in
> director
> I have a flash movie made with gif images, every gif
> image is for 5 frames, like that i have total 600
> frames in a flash movie, i have put that swf file in
> director and controlling the play pause of the movie
> through lingo, now when the movie is playing, is it
> possible to drag the slider bar or put a reverse or
> fastforward button to go back or forward to some
> frames which the user want to have a look at it,
> something like which we can do in windows media
> player. Can we control this through lingo in director.
> Any response will be a big help, Thanks to everyone.
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