At 07:26 PM 26/12/2013, Frank O'Connor wrote:

>That is now unlikely to happen, and that's what I still see as the 
>tragedy of my generation. We're selfish shortsighted users rather 
>than builders ... as I said.

Not quite everyone, Frank, or else NBN Mark I wouldn't have been on 
offer at all. It's Abbott's destroyers, as many commenters to 
articles in the Age keep calling the current lot, who are the short 
sighted ones at their worst. I just hope we won't have to put up with 
them for more than one term, if that.

Hope all our Linkers had a restful holiday and a super feast. I'm 
still recovering.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how 
do you fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space.
~Margaret Atwood, writer

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