Hi Anthony,

I think the confusion is the word IPL. When we mention "IPL" we mean
executing the command IPL *OR* logon a machine. But they are not always
the same thing. If you logon a machine (and I mean logon a machine that
is not running) you get the configuration as set in the directory.
Usually you also have an IPL command in the directory. Either IPL CMS or
IPL <device>. I would think of the USER DIRECT entry as a set of (CP)
commands. So basically the logon of a machine executes a series of
commands to setup your virtual envirnment. What you do after the logon
of a machine is up to you. If you have the correct authorization you can
change quite a bit in the virtual environment. But an IPL command is
just one of the commands that is executed.

Yes, expanding storage has limits in the directory. For instance USER
BERRY xxx 32M 128M. When I logon I get 32M storage. With DEFINE STOR I
can reset that size to anything up to 128M. But when I execute the IPL
CMS command I still get the size of the last DEF STOR command. It will
not be reset to 32M. Any re-IPL will still have the size I had set the
last time. Basically the same is true for devices in your virtual
machine. I initially get what I have specified in the directory. But if
I want to change that afterwards I can LINK, DETACH, DEFINE all kinds of
devices. These changes remain in effect untill I either change it again
or logoff/logon the virtual machine.

Regards, Berry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:linux-...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of
Anthony Thompson
Sent: vrijdag 5 november 2010 10:44
Subject: Re: HCPGIR450W and HCPGIR453W after editing user direct

Excuse me?

If you re-IPL a virtual machine surely it resets its environment
according to USER DIRECT? A virtual subset of the existing IOCDS, with
the virtual addresses and user(sic)-defined storage?

What do you inherit from a previous instance of a virtual machine? Bit
confused here, but I freely admit I'm a z/OS person. Isn't LINKing
devices (190, 490, whatever) simply part of your VM profile? And isn't
expanding storage limited by what is in USER DIRECT? If you set DEF STOR
in CP/CMS and re-IPL your user machine, how does the next iteration
remember it? 

Thanks for explaining any confusion here, Ant.

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