Linux-Advocacy Digest #724, Volume #26           Sun, 28 May 00 02:13:04 EDT

  Re: OSWars 2000 at ("Brad")
  any screen capture package? (paokai chang)
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: Why AOL should not be used in Public School... (Brian E Boothe)
  winodws hlp file about linux (Brian E Boothe)
  Re: Why AOL should not be used in Public School... (Salvador Peralta)
  Re: "Lean and mean" Mozilla (Christopher Wong)
  Re: Why AOL should not be used in Public School... (Salvador Peralta)
  Re: Linux Losers (Angry Bob)
  Re: IBM finally admits OS/2 is dead, officially. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Losers ("Robert L.")
  Re: Microsoft W2K lack of goals. ("Mark Robinson")
  Re: democracy? (Loren Petrich)
  Re: You need to reset your antennae; you're not getting the signals from  
  Re: Thorne digest, volume 2451691 (Bob Hoye)


From: "Brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OSWars 2000 at
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 03:11:05 GMT

"Wally Bass" <wallyb6@nospam> wrote in message
> On Sat, 27 May 2000 02:19:58 GMT, "Brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The article is at:
> >
> I browsed this document, and found it far too superficial, mostly
> stating the obvious.
> Rather than focus how the OS looks two or three days out of
> the box, I would much prefer some insights as to how you are
> likely to get burned by each OS. Serious OS design problems,
> like Windows non-management of DLL's (at least prior to W2K,
> don't know about W2K) and associated "DLL Hell" problems
> come to mind.

That's a suggestion.  Of course, bear in mind, to an OS expert, all this
does sound superficial.  It's a matter of how long should teh article be?
It's already 14 pages long, kind of edging near the "too long" zone.

Windows 2000 has largely addressed the DLL hell issue but Win98SE has not.
I don't know about WinME.

> The bulk of the stuff in your comparison is the same stuff that
> is in the shiny brouchures (or equivalent). The "gotcha's"
> which occur after some use seem to me to be a much
> more useful and less covered kind of topic.

Well, I'm not sure how many "shiny brouchures" are 14 pages. ;)  A PC
Magazine article equivalent, for instance, might be 4 or 5 pages including
screenshots and such.


> Wally Bass


From: paokai chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: any screen capture package?
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 11:18:18 +0800

Is there anybody tell me : where to find a  "screen capture" package
for KDE 1.1 (except Ksnapshot)


From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 21:06:53 -0500

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> The appeals court has overturned *EVERY* decision this judge has made
> against MS in the past.  A normal person might wonder how an objective
> jurist might get that kind of record.

This judge's record, or the appeals court's record?

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


Subject: Re: Why AOL should not be used in Public School...
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian E Boothe)
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 03:12:23 GMT

[posted and mailed]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Salvador Peralta) wrote in 

>AOL/Time Warner recently announced their commitment to an education
>portal targetted at primary and secondary students.  I strenuously
>object to AOL exposing children to it's brand in this fashion.  Though
>they may be providing content of some value, they are also firmly
>imprinting their brand on their next generation of consumers.
>How is this different than what tobacco was doing?  Granted, the product
>is (arguably) less insidious, but since much of the government's case
>against tobacco was predicated on tobacco targetting kids with its
>marketing machine, one wonders whether they will stand silent on this
>matter. AOL has placed their logo on every brand-laden page!
>- sigh -

OHH MY GOD!!!!! please take this person OFF of the internet!!!!!
wa wa wa wa wa boo hoo boo hoo 
 DO YOU relize SIR that the internet Does NOT pose Nudity to Children 
unless those children ASK for it!!!!!! and there are hundreds of software
packages that disallow this type of content to be diplayed,,,LIKE CYBERCOP 
thats a good one.....NOW please GO away!!!!!!!!!!!!


Subject: winodws hlp file about linux
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian E Boothe)
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 03:13:50 GMT

 ive compiled various documents and Text's into a windows HLP file 
 that various Windows users can use in there Linux installations
  just email me to recive a copy i will post it with my letter
soon   THANKS


From: Salvador Peralta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why AOL should not be used in Public School...
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 21:14:01 -0700

The company panders to the mob and makes their profit by fudding people
into thinking that there is something inherently difficult about email
and web browsing.  I began trying to get family members away from AOL
back when they were blocking their users from downloading netscape back
in 1997 or so.  

"Mark S. Bilk" wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Salvador Peralta  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >AOL/Time Warner recently announced their commitment to an education
> >portal targetted at primary and secondary students.  I strenuously
> >object to AOL exposing children to it's brand in this fashion.  Though
> >they may be providing content of some value, they are also firmly
> >imprinting their brand on their next generation of consumers.
> >
> >How is this different than what tobacco was doing?  Granted, the product
> >is (arguably) less insidious, but since much of the government's case
> >against tobacco was predicated on tobacco targetting kids with its
> >marketing machine, one wonders whether they will stand silent on this
> >matter. AOL has placed their logo on every brand-laden page!
> AOL has recently censored people because they were openly
> gay -- removed messages, biographical info, etc.
> Also, years ago, AOL knowingly carried "kiddie porn" on its
> news servers and allowed its users to download it.  AOL then
> secretly reported those users to the FBI, and they were
> prosecuted by the federal government.
> The people who control AOL clearly believe in the sort of
> anti-human "morality" that is designed to destroy people's
> lives.
> I don't think anyone should do business with AOL.

Salvador Peralta


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Wong)
Subject: Re: "Lean and mean" Mozilla
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 04:18:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, JEDIDIAH wrote:
>On Sat, 27 May 2000 00:46:46 GMT, Christopher Wong
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gary Hallock wrote:
>>>Christopher Wong wrote:
>>>> button. I know the usual explanations: not yet optimized, built
>>>> with debug info, ... etc. But somehow, people believe that
>>>> Mozilla will have a small footprint and good performance. In the
>>>> absence of any concrete proof whatsoever, I would like to hear
>>>> reasons why such belief exists. There must be some facts that I
>>>> am missing so far. I am eager to hear them. (no, "blind faith"
>>>> does not qualify).
>>>I believe that Mozilla is currently built with all libraries
>>>statically linked.  This was done for the beta to avoid dependency
>>>problems.  The final release copy is supposed to be built with
>>>shared libraries making it much smaller.  I'm not sure, but it is
>>>also likely that the beta was built without optimization and with
>>>debug enabled.
>>Thanks for responding, but I see that you did not answer my
>>question. Why do people ASSUME it will be lean and mean? Anyone else?
>       For one, packagers have the option of RIPPING out anything
>       that is not directly related to browsing html pages. Having
>       dynamic library linking should help 'trim' things up too...

I've seen a lot of excuses and speculation now, but not really a real
good answer to my question. Consider this: the Opera tech previews
were/are in much worse shape than Mozilla is now, and had Qt
statically linked in. Yet they were (when they ran) much faster than
Netscape 4.x (let alone Mozilla), and had a memory footprint about a
third of Mozilla's. I can understand expectations that the Opera
browser will be small and fast. I do not understand why such
expectations exist for Mozilla when no evidence support them.



From: Salvador Peralta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why AOL should not be used in Public School...
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 21:26:28 -0700

Who said anything about porn?  The term 'brand' does not mean
pornography. Simply put, 'branding' refers to the efforts of companies
to create product awareness and name recognition among consumers.  Coke
is an example of a company with good brand name recognition. Disney has
a widely recognized brand.  

Get it?

Brian E Boothe wrote:
> [posted and mailed]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Salvador Peralta) wrote in
> >AOL/Time Warner recently announced their commitment to an education
> >portal targetted at primary and secondary students.  I strenuously
> >object to AOL exposing children to it's brand in this fashion.  Though
> >they may be providing content of some value, they are also firmly
> >imprinting their brand on their next generation of consumers.
> >
> >How is this different than what tobacco was doing?  Granted, the product
> >is (arguably) less insidious, but since much of the government's case
> >against tobacco was predicated on tobacco targetting kids with its
> >marketing machine, one wonders whether they will stand silent on this
> >matter. AOL has placed their logo on every brand-laden page!
> >
> >- sigh -
> >
> OHH MY GOD!!!!! please take this person OFF of the internet!!!!!
> wa wa wa wa wa boo hoo boo hoo
>  DO YOU relize SIR that the internet Does NOT pose Nudity to Children
> unless those children ASK for it!!!!!! and there are hundreds of software
> packages that disallow this type of content to be diplayed,,,LIKE CYBERCOP
> thats a good one.....NOW please GO away!!!!!!!!!!!!

Salvador Peralta


From: Angry Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Losers
Date: 28 May 2000 04:26:30 GMT

Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: and kinda take a peak at the other things happening in the world.   The
: world of computers does not revolve around Microsoft.

if it did, they woudln't have to advertise.

Angry Bob


Subject: Re: IBM finally admits OS/2 is dead, officially.
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 04:36:55 GMT

In article <8gp9f3$20h0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas) wrote:
> *snip stuff about os/2*
> And BTW, why are you posting this to comp.os.linux.advocacy?
> You are most assuredly doing what you always swore you never did:
> Trying to start a fight.
> May I be the first to say:  Fuck off drestin.

Sorry, you are not the first to say it. Still, Drestin if fun to
torment. He gets so pissed when you ask him to back up his claims. Of
course he never can. Then he tries some personal attack. So predictable.
I really like his latest claim over in NT advocacy, that NT is
independent of MS's business practices.

> -----yttrx

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Robert L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Losers
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 04:54:53 GMT

The Truth wrote:
> You people are a bunch of losers.
> Each day millions of people use Microsoft product and are glad to do
> so.  They send e-mails to their friends and lovers with happy messages
> and delightful attachments.
> You Linux losers preach that all this should be stopped because one of
> your low life counterparts writes a stupid virus.  I'm sure these
> individuals do this from within the solitude of their lives driven
> only by spite.  Much akin to the sad individuals who advocate Linux.
> Only pathetic computer geeks use Linux.  Ugly stupid people who are
> shunned by society use Linux.
> Trendy happy people who laugh with their friends at popular
> restaurants use Microsoft products.
> Sad, poxy-faced perpetually virgin males use Linux.
> These are the facts.  And you sad embittered individuals know this.
> The only way you pathetic people can gain any self-esteem is to force
> yourselves to use a system that most people who have better ways to
> spend their time regard as an esoteric oddity.
> Crawl back into you isolated holes and stop bothering those of us who
> are happy to have lives that don't revolve around building kernels and
> waiting for patches.

I laugh with friend on restaurant, did it make me a windows user?
I'm not a geek, Linux is too easy. Only low IQ moron like you can't make
it work ( or can't even install it ). Stop using windows, is too hard
for you, go to Mac or BEos, you will find them better than windows.
As you can see, i'm posting with netscape ( check the header* ) and i
can easily send attachment.
Programmer who make windows virus are windows user. Linux programmer
don't spend time creating virus.

Did we go to bothering you and your friend? The one i see bothering
other here, is you. Get the fuck out and don't come back.

Header*: an header is a part of the message ( can be mail or newsgroups
message ) that have some information about the sender. Such as poster
client, operating system, date of sending and a lot more.
To see a header, in windows cause Linux user know how to do, right click
the message in the message list. Select properties. go to the second
tab, it should be header. Now copy everything in a text file ( *.exe )
in you C:\ drive, call it C.
When everything is done, you need to format it as a document ( *.doc ). 
Quit windows ( using restart in msdos mode ) and do
format c:
After this, you will be able to read the header.


From: "Mark Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft W2K lack of goals.
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 05:15:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Drestin Black"
> again, check what the word "exists" means.
> Data center exists, it's all I've claimed and that is indisputably true.

Actually, no.  All you claim is that datacentre beta exists which although
similar to datacentre is not quite the same thing.  Therefor datacentre
does not yet exist.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Loren Petrich)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: democracy?
Date: 28 May 2000 05:37:47 GMT

In article <392eb767$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Francis Van Aeken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>The results of these MS breakup polls (consistently 2/3 against) raise some
>interesting questions about the implementation of democracy (in this case in
>the USA).

        How many such people are familiar with the anti-Microsoft 
litigation and the issues at stake? Here are some possible reasons why 
many people may not be familiar with the issue:

* It goes over their heads
* They feel that they have better things to do than be interested in this issue

        But among people familiar with computer stuff, there is a big 
contingent that seriously dislikes M$. So one may be more likely to 
dislike M$ if one is familiar with it.
Loren Petrich                           Happiness is a fast Macintosh
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      And a fast train
My home page:


Subject: Re: You need to reset your antennae; you're not getting the signals from 
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 06:02:48 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jim Stuyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jack Troughton) writes:
>> >Interestingly enough, there are no supporting URLs to any announcement
>> >by IBM saying "warp is dead" in the "WinInfo Short Take" about this.
>> Of course not.  The article is quoted from zdnet, which is quoted
>> from network news in the UK.  It is all based on an article
>> claiming that an unnamed IBM spokesperson provided the
>> information.  I just can't remember the last time IBM made any
>> "official" announcements by way of anonymous sources talking to
>> relatively unknown and less well respected correspondents for
>> equally unknown and less well respected on line publications.
>> Maybe it represents a new policy <g>?
>"An IBM spokesperson" is NOT the same thing as your
>characterization of "an *unnamed* IBM spokesperson."
>The article in question does NOT say "unnamed."

Oh shut up Jim.  The article in question doesn't name the 
spokesperson.  The article in question doesn't appear on any IBM 
site.  The information has no confirmation whatsoever.  The 
article appears in a relatively unknown publication by a 
relatively unknown author and claims to an status of authority it
doesn't have.  It's a crock.


Where do I want to go today?
I want to go where *I* want to go,
Not where MS wants to send me.


From: Bob Hoye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Thorne digest, volume 2451691
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 02:10:30 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
tholenbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ZnU 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Mike" 
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Jeeezus!  I guess the OS/2 groups must be dead as the Tholen crap 
> > > has moved over here. Do you suppose you Tholen folks could consider 
> > > jumping on the BeOS bandwagon and taking your crap over there?
> > > 
> > > could all find hobbies.
> > 
> > I move for the creation of an alt.emulation.tholen.
> Why?

Don't you know? How ironic coming from the most prodigious Tholen
emulator. Meanwhile, where is your logical argument?

Bob Hoye




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