Linux-Advocacy Digest #753, Volume #30            Fri, 8 Dec 00 21:13:02 EST

  Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks. (kiwiunixman)
  Re: Linux is awful (SL News Posting)
  Predictions (featuring Drestin Black) (Truckasaurus)
  Re: I switched!  No more Netscape! (Steve Mading)
  Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks. (kiwiunixman)
  Re: Segmentation fault (core dumped) (JoeX1029)
  Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks. (kiwiunixman)
  Predictions (featuring leeb) (Truckasaurus)
  Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks. ("Groober")
  Re: need to open 100 windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks. (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Windoze 2000 - just as shitty as ever (Anonymous)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (Anonymous)
  Re: I have had it up to *here* with Linux (Anonymous)


From: kiwiunixman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks.
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 00:55:11 GMT

Stock price is never a good indicator of how well (fiscally) a company 
is going, basically, all it shows are the number of morons who have 
jumped on the .com (or what I like to call it .con) bandwagon, who have 
little or no knowledge of the realities of running a business, and that 
is, to make a profit.  Here on the NZSE (New Zealand Stock Exchange), if 
a company/business doesn't produced a bloody good profit result, they 
get hammered, on the NASDAQ, there are enough stupid people out their to 
stop a massive "correction" from happening.


Swangoremovemee wrote:

> On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 00:27:22 -0500, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Was there a DIRECT cause-and-effect relationship between
>> a price drop and the RedHat server announcement
>> a) yes
>> B) NO
> Not yet :)
> When companies look to cut cost's I/T is the first one on the list and
> Linux, at least on a purchase order bottom line, can save them a lot
> of money. They need to save money when their stock has been in a
> steady decline from 105 in May to 60 something in December.
> Swango
> "It Don't Mean a Thang if it Ain't Got That Swang"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SL News Posting)
Subject: Re: Linux is awful
Date: 09 Dec 2000 00:58:10 GMT

In article <93_X5.1429$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Quantum Leaper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|> "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
|> news:ZzPX5.3224$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
|> > "Adam Short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
|> > news:f4KX5.9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
|> > > From what I've read here, some people seem to be running completely
|> > > different versions of Windows to anything I've ever come across. MY
|> > Win98SE
|> > > does exactly what Jerry says w/r to the registry. MY Win98SE install
|> prog
|> > > formats the Windows partition if it finds a FAT32 partition with no
|> > > filesystem actually written to it, regardless of what I want it to do.
|> >
|> > You're making no sense here.  In order for a partition to be FAT32, it
|> must
|> > have a filesystem since FAT32 *IS* a filesystem.  If there's no
|> filesystem,
|> > it's unformated and has no type.
|> >
|> I guess he is a average Linux user,  ie.  Troll.....

Actually, Quantum and Erik, Adam was correct.  The partition type is
stored in the Partition table in the MBR;  any installation program
(whether Redhat or Windows) can simply examine the partition type 
byte (which is set by FDISK) to determine the _type_ of file system
which _may_ be contained in that partition.   In the case of a windows
install, if the partition type in the MBR indicates that a FAT32 
filesystem should be in a particular partition, windows will format
it appropriately[*].   Same way that the redhat installer will ask if
you wish to format (a bad choice of verb, in my opinion, as it is a
quite different operation (e.g. mkfs) than a low-level format) any
partitions which are marked as type 0x83 (linux ext2).

[*] it should ask first, but it is entirely possible that it doesn't.

Ultimately, if windows supports the software you wish to use, 
use windows.   If you prefer linux, use linux.   It has been my
experience that sophisticated, computer savvy, technically literate
folks generally prefer Unix and Linux systems, while tyros and
the general public prefer windows due to its relative ease of use.

As I prefer linux, and all the possible applications that I need
are available on linux (and have been available on various unices
since the late 80's), windows isn't a viable option for me.  YMMV.

The one thing that really has me wondering, however, is why folks
haven't file beaucoup lawsuits against microsoft for creating software
that enables the transmission of virii.   


From: Truckasaurus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Predictions (featuring Drestin Black)
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 00:46:21 GMT

It is time to look at predictions for the year past - 2000:
This one's by Drestin Black:
"Message-ID: <hrlL3.7102$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'll argue with you there. I am willing to take a double or nothing bet
you, Windows 2000 will sell 2x more copies than the combined sales of
in 2000."

Sadly enough, I think Dres wins this one. But if you look at it, it's
kind of a wussy guess - I mean Win has 90% of the desktop market...

1 Prediction point for Dres, and 100 wuss points in the same direction!
Get som hair on your chest Dres, and give us a real prediction!

"Hello, everybody!"
- Doctor Nick
Martin A. Boegelund.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I switched!  No more Netscape!
Date: 9 Dec 2000 00:58:08 GMT

Ian Davey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, spicerun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:>Mozilla 0.6 is now on my system and working better than I had hoped.  
:>And definitely better than Netscape 6 or 4.76!!

: Mozilla 0.8 should be out in a few weeks, 0.6 is just a release to give parity 
: with Netscape 6 :-)

:>Mozilla ought to be nice by the time Mozilla 1.0 is released.  It is 
:>interesting how the Headers identify this version of Moxilla as Mozilla 5.

: And it will stay that way (in Netscape 6 as well). The version goes at the end 
: of the string. 

Does anyone know what version of Mozilla was used as the base for
Netscape 6?  Netscape 6 seems to really suck for me, and I remember
mozilla not being nearly that bad even year ago when I last tried
it.  (Netscape 6 uses 40% of CPU time on my machine when just
sitting there doing nothing, whereas Netscape 4.76 and Mozialla
both only used about 0-5% in that situation.  Netscape 6's Java
doesn't download at all in Linux (crashes the install program
unless you leave java out), and it takes forever to open a
new window for a link with a middle-click.  What the hell did
Netscape do to Mozilla to make it that bad?)


From: kiwiunixman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks.
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 14:02:54 +1300


>>      OTOH, you could just be confusing "linux" and "redhat".
> Garbage is garbage no matter what you want to call it.
So, by your definition, since I found that SCO Unixware is shit, that 
must mean that all UNIX's are shit...I don't think so....get back to the UNIX market there are multiple vendors, Redhat Linux 
7.0 got slammed by devoted Linux guru's, however, atleast as a Linux 
user I can choose to use a different distro, such as, Debian, SuSE, 
Caldera, Corel, Storm or TurboLinux, if you like windows, but find it is 
shit, you can't change vendors, hence, your stuck between a rock and a 
hard place.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JoeX1029)
Date: 09 Dec 2000 01:06:48 GMT
Subject: Re: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

>While working on a project ( which I thought to be quite small ) I have
>received this message:
>Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>Everything compiled okay.  This happened as a result of a.out
>I was wondering if someone could point out to me what I should be looking
>for that might cause such a message.
>Thanks in advance.

Post your code.. It could be anything.


From: kiwiunixman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks.
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 01:08:54 GMT

Swangoremovemee wrote:

> On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:13:45 -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] () wrote:
>>      "USB Support" doesn't mean it will work with device foo.
>>      USB is just the bus.
>>      Much like SCSI or PCI, you still need an individual device
>>      driver. This doesn't change with Macintosh or WinDOS.
> What a crock of shit that is. 
> I guess Universal doesn't mean anything when Linux get's entered into
> the picture.
> Gee, the other guys got it right but Linux?
> Once again MIA.
USB is the bus in which devices are connected to.  For an OS to 
sucessfully communicate with those devices on these bus's, there are two 
things needed, 1st a Bus Driver and second, a device driver.  It is true 
in some cercumstances that a seperate driver per device may not be 
needed, as is the case with externel USB drives as there is a 
standardised driver that supports all externel storages devices built to 
a certain standard, hence the reason why no extra software is needed 
when using a USB drive under Windows or MacOS.  Under 2.4, these USB 
issue's have been addressed, however, certain devices such as Camera's 
will take longer as there is no standardised driver achitecture for USB 
based Cameras.



From: Truckasaurus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Predictions (featuring leeb)
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 01:02:00 GMT

Lets look at some more predictions:

"From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leeb) Subject: Leeb's '00 predictions Date: 01
Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises X-Server-Date: 1 Jan 2000 23:54:05 GMT

1. A Linux company (either VA or Red Hat) will buy Apple and open
source much of OS X. The various different versions of OS X will
provide ample competition to Winblows 2000.

2. Surpising the dumb ass nimcompoops in the computer navel-gazing
business, Mozilla nee Netscape 5.0 will kick some serious booty once
it comes out. AOL will adopt Netscap 5.0 as its default browser by the
end of the  year.

3. McCain wins.

3.1. McCain wins...but there is the possiblity that a recession starts
and life suddenly sucks so much that Pitch Fork Pat is able to gain
enough electorial votes to thrown the election into Congress. BAD BAD

4. There will be at least once serious non-Y2K computer incident
during the course of the year that causes much damage and much lost

4. 1. Greater than 50/50 chance that the stock market crashes and a
major, serious recession begins.

5. I get my own newsfroup

6. The obvious pervasive power of M$ over the media will be shown time
and again. Alien IV: The Rise of the Company, coming soon to a theatre
near you! (The reason the robot went crazy in Alien--the Blue Screen
of Death)

7. Jesus returns to Earth, gets disgusted and goes back home.

8. Nick posts one happy post.

9. LMDS and MMDS begin to really take off, lowering broadband costs

10. Greater than 50/50 chance that a Second Korean war starts, causing
all sorts of problems. May happen entirely too close to the First
Tuesday In November.


1. 1/2 prediction point for Caldera buying SCO. Close one leeb - I think
I've even read they'll open source some stuff.

2. 0 Points. Isn't it called Netscape 6.0? And "kicking booty"? Nah!

3. 0 Points.

4. 0 points. (I don't understand the prediction!)

5. 1/10 point. I remembered you for a whole dam' year, that must be as
close as you get to your "newsfroup".

6. Ah, What the heck... 1 point.

7. 1/2 point. (for the going home part - I didn't see him...)

8. Who's nick? And what's he happy about? 0 points!

9. Erm, yeah right, you just predicted inflation. Nice going!
0.0000000000000000001 point.

10. Korean peace is closer than ever. 1/3.1415926 points for the date

So, all in all, leeb gets 1 coolness point for having the guts to do
some risky predictions. And 2+ points for predictions. Not bad, leeb,
not bad at all!

"Hello, everybody!"
- Doctor Nick
Martin A. Boegelund.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks.
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 01:34:58 +0000

Swango wrote:
> Windows 2000 rocks and Linux is a sluggard if ever there was one. I
> tried Redhat and took the server install option and it promptly wiped
> out my entire hard disk. Fortunately I had a backup but what if I
> didn't?

Would I be right in thinking that perhaps you allowed the install
program to use ALL the disk and repartition as required.  If so, is it
any real shock it WIPED IT!?


From: "Groober" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks.
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 01:43:38 -0000

it promptly wiped
> out my entire hard disk.

Try installing win2k on a linux box.


Subject: Re: need to open 100 windows
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 01:50:08 +0000

Dan wrote:
> Hi, trying to open 90-100 internet explorer windows and still be able to
> copy and paste to them off notepad.  I am using NT4, dell pIII 500 with 384
> megs of sdram with eccI even upgraded to a pIII 850 with 512 megs of sdram
> with ecc and didn't notice much difference if any.
> I can get about 50 windows open (internet explorer) and can still copy and
> paste from notepad in to them.After that, I can open a couple more windows,
> but can't copy off notepad let alone paste. Any idea's would be appreciated.
> Do you think if I used unix os it would help alot?
> Thanks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux.sux
Subject: Re: Nobody wants Linux because it destroys hard disks.
Reply-To: Charlie Ebert:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 01:50:44 GMT

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000 01:34:58 +0000, 
>Swango wrote:
>> Windows 2000 rocks and Linux is a sluggard if ever there was one. I
>> tried Redhat and took the server install option and it promptly wiped
>> out my entire hard disk. Fortunately I had a backup but what if I
>> didn't?

Could I just step in and see if I can be of some help here.

Windows 2000 was written for the dipshit in mind.
Linux is attempting to be MORE dipshit friendly but
there is only so much you can do to help the dipshitted.

Now you ask, why do you call me "Swango" a dipshit.
Well, "Swango", you attempted to install RedHat server
on the same machine you had a windows product.

But even if you didn't have RedHat server, if you tried
to "Swango" a server from say Suse or Mandrake on a disk
with Windows 2000 on it for dual booting purposes,
you would be considered a dipshit even if you were actually

Only a dipshit would attempt to dual boot a workstation
with a server.  And that could be even a Windows 2000
workstation and a Windows 2000 server.

Here's a test.  Try installing Windows 2000 server
on the same drive you've installed Windows 2000 workstation.

See!  Your a dipshit again!

Hope that helps.



Subject: Re: Windoze 2000 - just as shitty as ever
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 08:16:59 -0500
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Said Erik Funkenbusch in on Fri, 8 Dec 2000 
>"Anonymous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Said Erik Funkenbusch in on Fri, 8 Dec 2000
>> 01:15:43 -0600;
>> >"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> >> >I already stated specifically how you disable TCP/IP in NT4 without
>> >> >rebooting, I don't have to say it again.
>> >>
>> >> So I take it you are purposely ignoring the issue?  Yes, you can disable
>> >> TCP/IP without rebooting, and then enable it again without rebooting.
>> >> Unfortunately, you cannot disable it and then reboot, and then enable it
>> >> without rebooting.  Get it?
>> >
>> >You're still wrong.
>> No, I'm not.  Nor am I mistaken in any way.  I am using the term
>> "disable TCP/IP" to mean disabling the protocol entirely, which requires
>> removing the protocol driver, not merely disabling all TCP/IP bindings
>> on the adapters.  And you are not mistaken when you say that the
>> equivalent would require a reboot in Linux, as it requires recompiling
>> the kernel.
>Nobody else is using the term that way.  

I disagree.  Regardless, it is the most accurate, consistent, and
practical way to use the term.

>In fact, according to everyone else
>but you, you can disable TCP/IP in Linux simply by removing the IP from all
>cards (including loopback).

That's because they don't understand what "disable TCP/IP" means in the
context of both your and their use of the term.  Nor do you.

>What you describe is removing TCP/IP, not disabling it.  Disabling something
>is keeping it installed while not allowing it to function.

Which you cannot do in either case.  You can not use it (unbind adapters
or unassign IP addresses, whichever the case may be) but that is not the
same as disabling it.  But preventing something from functioning and
simply not using it are not the same thing.  Of course, in just about
any other discussion outside of one of your trolls, most people wouldn't
care.  But you keep trying to make a flawed point, and can't understand
why I won't just go along with it.

>> So stop squirming, and just admit that you want to narrow the issue down
>> until you are right, and I'm just pointing out how much you are
>> belaboring the matter so that you can pretend that Windows isn't a piece
>> of crap.
>No, you keep changing the subject.

No, the subject is that you have to reboot to remove or add the TCP/IP
protocol (later you redacted that to disabled the bindings, using the
fact that nobody was being very careful of the difference early in the
thread), when you shouldn't have to, since unlike Linux, TCP/IP isn't
built into the kernel.  It steams you pretty bad that this shows Windows
in such a bad light, since there's no conceivable reason but bad design
that something that isn't built into the kernel requires rebooting to
function correctly, not on a modern competitive OS, anyway.

>Disabling has already been defined by
>others in this thread, who I was responding to.  You coming in and changing
>the definition doesn't accomplish anything.

No, "disabling" is defined by every usage of the term.  If you thought
you were being consistent from some previous description in this thread,
you are mistaken.  I haven't changed any definitions, to begin with.
I've merely clarified them, by using the terms practically,
consistently, and accurately, when I use them myself, and explaining my
definitions when asked.  I cannot vouch for anyone else, though I'm sure
they expect they're doing the same thing, though I would submit they're
not doing it as well.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***

Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

  --------== Posted Anonymously via Newsfeeds.Com ==-------
     Featuring the worlds only Anonymous Usenet Server
    -----------== ==----------


Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 08:17:05 -0500
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Said Erik Funkenbusch in comp.os.linux.advocacy on Fri, 8 Dec 2000 
>"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >Try Netscape then. They gave their browser away for free, and then
>> >charging for it after they'd already built up their monopoly.
>> Not.  They used a shareware model, quite successfully, until MS bundled
>> IE.  Then they opened their source code.
>Netscape released it's first browser in 1994.  For free, mind you.


>started charging in early 1995.  Microsoft released it's first browser
>(bundled with the OS, mind you) in August 1995.

And then didn't mention it until two years later.  Before IE 3, you
didn't hear a peep about IE from Microsoft; they were still trying to
push MSN and strongly denied that the Internet would ever amount to
anything.  IE was not even contemplated as competitive; it was a widget,
in comparison to Netscape's claim to be a platform.  MS finally "woke
up" to the Internet, and the result was IE 3, which they started forcing
down people's throats, even before they bolted IE 4 right into Win98
once they realized that IE3 wasn't getting anywhere, even when they gave
it away.

>Less than 9 months after NS
>started charging.  Before netscape started charging, nearly all browsers
>were free as well.

Before Netscape, there were no commercial browser products.  Microsoft's
anti-competitive response pretty much assured that there won't be many
after, either.  Opera seems to have slipped through the window of
opportunity, but IE skins like NeoPlanet don't count, as far as I am

>Netscape did not open it's source code until 1998.

I guess that's right.  IIRC, it was just after Microsoft started
bundling new versions of IE with Windows.  The things people will do
when you cut off their air supply...

>In otherwords, it was successful for almost 2 years, despite it's
>competition giving away it's product and bundling it with the OS.
>You seem to like to revise history, Max.

No, I like to understand it, which I apparently do much more than you

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***

Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

  --------== Posted Anonymously via Newsfeeds.Com ==-------
     Featuring the worlds only Anonymous Usenet Server
    -----------== ==----------


Subject: Re: I have had it up to *here* with Linux
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 08:17:11 -0500
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Said Tom Wilson in comp.os.linux.advocacy on Fri, 08 Dec 2000 19:01:32 
>"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Said Tom Wilson in comp.os.linux.advocacy on Mon, 20 Nov 2000 10:05:18
>> >"Black Dragon " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> >>
>> >> On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 21:00:10 GMT in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>> >>
>> >> : On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 20:15:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >> : (Black Dragon ) wrote:
>> >> :
>> >> : >
>> >> : >On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:49:31 GMT in alt.linux,
>> >> : >
>> >> : >[cross posts trimmed claire's current whore house]
>> >> : >
>> >> : >: On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 11:50:49 -0500, Chas2K
>> >> : >: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >: >over and over to get just these reactions from you. I will build
>> >kill
>> >> : >: >filter for Clair the Troll as soon as this post goes out. It will
>> >reside
>> >> : >: >along side the one for pencil-dick Rev. Kool who trolls the BSD
>> >> : >: >newgroups.
>> >> : >: >
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >: There is your first problem.
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >: " Building" a kill filter.
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >: I just killfiled you with 2 mouse clicks..
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >: Bamm...into the Bozo bin...
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >: claire
>> >> : >:
>> >> : >: Linux "The only OS you have to build as you go along".
>> >> : >
>> >> : >Fuck'n blow me you cheap cock sucking whore. Why don't you go fuck
>> >> : >around in Pimp Billy's news groups with all the other skanky
>> >> : >whores, and let the Linux folk go about their business.
>> >> : >
>> >> : >5 keystrokes later ....
>> >> : >
>> >> : >*PLONK*
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> : Another fine example of a Penguinista in his native environment.
>> >>
>> >> Not quite bitch. I adminsister a heterogeneous network, using the best
>> >> tools for the jobs, and Windows is one of them. You really ought to
>> >> get youself some netiqutte and learn how to post properly, ya' skanky
>> >> fucking cunt.
>> >
>> >Pot. Kettle. Black.
>> >Good Lord, kid...You're more in need of that advice than she. This is an
>> >advocacy group, not an open forum for pimp wannabes. Grow up!
>> I think that's the point.  Whether "clair lynn" is a she to begin with
>> is rather up for grabs, it being only one of more than a dozen aliases
>> used by a resident troll.  I can understand many might find the language
>> rather shocking, but personally, I got a *huge* laugh out of reading
>> someone call clair a "skanky fucking whore".  :-D
>I wasn't so much shocked as I was annoyed. There are classier ways to flame
>a confrontational, gender-confused, technically-challenged,
>artistically-bankrupt, cross-posting,  troll.

Yea, and there are funnier ways, too.  On the whole, I think Black
Dragon struck a good balance.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***

Sign the petition and keep Deja's archive alive!

  --------== Posted Anonymously via Newsfeeds.Com ==-------
     Featuring the worlds only Anonymous Usenet Server
    -----------== ==----------



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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