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On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Forrest Tiffany wrote:

> In response to discussion by 
>   "A.R. (Tom) Peters" and Alan & Susan Mead:

%< cut >%

> Points made so far without regard to who made them:
> --------------------------------------------------------

%< cut >%

  Forrest, thanx for your digest of the discussion.  It seems that the
main participants, Alan and me, essentially agree, but just have some
misunderstandings about our plans and ideas.  Some issues appear really
confused (as I noticed in some points of your digest).  Alan posted a new
message and it seems we are converging to a common road ahead, so we'll
take it from there.


        Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
                NL-1062 KD nr 149       tel.    31-204080204
                        Amsterdam       e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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