I can tackle point 2) below, Tom, but I can't do 1) as I'll be spending the
next month in Bangkok, Bintan, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, where Internet
access - and even local telephone calls, at hotel rates - are prohibitively

However, I have various glossaries and lexicons which I've prepared for
courses I've written in the past and I have to do a
linux-certification-specific one anyway. I can also put something up at my
web site to support contributions.


--- Les [http://www.lesbell.com.au]

"A.R. (Tom) Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 27/06/99 07:00:55 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Les Bell/Les Bell and Associates Pty Ltd)
Subject:  Call for dictionary

  In our discussion about consensus point VIII (no jargon and acronyms) it
became apparent we cannot avoid them completely, so we should define what
jargon and acronyms we deem to be so common that we assume the candidate
knows about them.

  Are there some people here who would like to take these tasks:

1) looking for on-line dictionaries on PC's, Unix, Linux, Internet
I gave a few in another posting, but they are not very up-to date:


2) If necessary, based on the above, make a (brief) dictionary of jargon
and acronyms a candidate should know.  Those might be used in the exams.


     Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
          NL-1062 KD nr 149   tel.    31-204080204
               Amsterdam e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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