On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to assign the ip address of a linux box from a remote
> > workstation using arp?? I've seen webcams do this so i know its possible.
> > One suggestion i've seen is to assign the box a 'fake' random address like
> > or whatever and use tcpdump to watch for MAC addresses.. If the
> Ummm...why don't you just enable CONFIG_IP_PNP and CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP
> in the "box" and make it get the IP address suing RARP? And when  you
> are  at  it,  you could enable CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP, too, so you could
> use a BOOTP / DHCP server as well.

I'm guessing the orignal poster is trying to make the most "userfriendly"
configuration that he can.  Requiring a DHCP,  BOOTP, or RARP server that
one has administrative access of is, sadly, too complicated for some,
especially those in the Winodows 9X world.  I too have seen thos network
cameras that just ask you to hardcode and ARP entry (which you actually
can do on Windows, believe it or not) and ping it.  The camera can do the

tcpdump is prolly the quickest solution, although a custom app that can
sniff the network is probably better.  In either case, it's worth seeing
if you can get them to work without having to assign an IP addresses,
even a dummy one, to an interface.  (I.e., just do "ifconfig eth0 up"
without assigning an IP.  Hopefully tcpdump or whatever sniffer you use
can sniff on eth0 without it having an IP.  Then, just look for your own
MAC address and assign eth0 to whatever IP address is being used on the
packet that you saw your MAC address.)

Jeremy Impson
Associate Network Engineer
Advanced Technologies Department
Lockheed Martin Systems Integration
phone: 607-751-5618
fax:   607-751-6025

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