Hi Wolfgang.

> > > Ummm...why don't you just enable CONFIG_IP_PNP and
> > > CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP in the "box" and make it get the IP address
> > > suing RARP? And when you are at it, you could enable
> > > CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP, too, so you could use a BOOTP / DHCP server
> > > as well.
> > Maybe because this would be a completely other way of configuration
> > than he asked for? I think this "ip by arp" configuration is thought
> > to be a
> Right, I was recommending a  completely  other  way  -  one  that  is
> standardized by several RFC's and for which working software exists.

That is correct, but it is not a proper solution for the problem I think
the question has been sent for.

> > way for the first configuration of a (new?) device in a network. And
> > not every network has a dhcp or bootp server running for doing this.
> Then add one. If necessary then just temporarily by  connecting  your
> Linux laptop to the net just for the configuration. And if you cannot
> connect it to _that_ net, then just use a crossover cable ond connect
> it directly to the target.
> I cannot understand where the problem is. If  you  are  living  in  a
> world  with  crippled  tools, then just don't use 'em. These problems
> have been solved long, long time ago. In a clean way.

Well, *I* have no problems with adding a dhcpd, a bootp-server or
something else to my very own network. But I will have problems if I
force my clients to do so. If someone wants to buy and use the products
I develop, they have to be user friendly. Forcing someone to extend his
network with another server that he maybe won´t need further after the
IP has been assigned is not, what I understand to be "user friendly".
This is Microsoft style, but I´m not Microsoft.

In return, I cannot understand why some people can´t understand the wish
for an comparable easy way to temporarily assign an IP to a device as
suggested. Sure, there are DHCP, bootp and such things, but as stated
before not every network has corresponding servers (and probably won´t
ever have one). If there are already such servers, they can be used for
this task, agree. But forcing people to install them just in order to
assign a 32bit value to a device, or forcing them to tweak the
configuration of a pc for the same purpose if stone-age-behaviour. 

So I think this ´arp -s´ & ´ping´ thing as proposed by someone on this
list is a fine add-on for the above described cases. If there is no such
tool available by now, I will try to implement it as soon as I can spend
some time on it.

> Wolfgang Denk

Bye, Mike

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