In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Michael Renzmann wrote:
> Well, *I* have no problems with adding a dhcpd, a bootp-server or
> something else to my very own network. But I will have problems if I
> force my clients to do so. If someone wants to buy and use the products
> I develop, they have to be user friendly. Forcing someone to extend his

Being user friendly could mean that you provide some  dhcp/tftp/what-
ever-you-need  server  on  the install media for your product. I have
bought product that were packaged that way. If you need a tool  which
the customer will need and might not already have, then provide it.

> This is Microsoft style, but I´m not Microsoft.

But you help propagating this silly behaviour by accepting their rules.

Don't! Use open  standards,  and  refuse  to  use  proprietary,  non-
standard  solutions (at least when you have a choice - which you have
in the case we're discussing).

> In return, I cannot understand why some people can´t understand the wish
> for an comparable easy way to temporarily assign an IP to a device as

I perfectly understand this wish. Hey, I'm the main developer of  the
PPCBoot  (PowerPC  firmware) project - I know what you need to set up
embedded systems.

Using  a  predefined  default  value;  using  some  type  of  console
interface to manually enter one, using RARP or BOOTP / DHCP.

> suggested. Sure, there are DHCP, bootp and such things, but as stated
> before not every network has corresponding servers (and probably won´t

If this is just a one-time job when you install the devic, it  should
be  acceptable  to  use  a "private" network with only the target and
your laptop in it.

> this task, agree. But forcing people to install them just in order to
> assign a 32bit value to a device, or forcing them to tweak the
> configuration of a pc for the same purpose if stone-age-behaviour. 

C'me on, don't tell me what people have to do just to keep their win*
systems running.

> So I think this ´arp -s´ & ´ping´ thing as proposed by someone on this
> list is a fine add-on for the above described cases. If there is no such
> tool available by now, I will try to implement it as soon as I can spend
> some time on it.

So. You call changing a configuration "stone-age-behaviour". Now what
do you call re-inventing the wheel again, and badly?  I  can't  help,
but at least that's wast of time to me.

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,  but it is not  one
half so bad as a lot of ignorance.   - Terry Pratchett, _Equal Rites_

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